4. Attach a suitable lifting device to the winch to support
4. After the winch has been properly aligned, tighten the
it while the mounting capscrews are removed.
mounting capscrews to 300 foot-pounds (41.5 m-kg).
5. Remove the mounting capscrews and the hardened flat
5. Reconnect the hydraulic lines to the motor ports.
washers. Lift the winch from the machine using the lifting
Reconnect the drain line to the metering pump if the winch
device, and. remove it to a suitable repair area.
is a free-fall type.
6. Reconnect the winch drum turn indicator, if quipped.
7. Install the winch line on the winch, and reeve the bot-
primary drive of the winch as follows:
tom block to complete the installation of the winch.
1. Refer to Figure 5J.2 and remove the cover shown.
2. Remove the three brake assembly mounting bolts (see
P&H WINCHES (923P4, 923P5 end 923P6)
Figure 5J.3).
GENERAL. This section describes the disassembly, field
3. Back off the brake adjusting nuts until the brake
repair, and reassembly of the Models 10 and 16 P&H
assembly is loose on the brake disc and remove the brake
W inches, which are identified by the above pert numbers.
assembly as shown in Figure 5J-4. Note that some winches
are provided with shims behind the brake assembly. If used,
be sure to install them at the original points during
Earlier models of the P&H winch were identified by
the following part numbers: 923X1, 923X2 and
4. If the brake assembly is to be disassembled, refer to the
923X7. These winches are identical to the 923P4,
topic winch brake at the rear of this section and disas-
923P5 and 923P7 winches, with the exception of the
semble and reassemble as described.
The Models 10 and 16 winches are nearly identical in
physical appearance except for size. The major difference is
The springs used in this brake assembly are color
that the Model 10 uses only one caliper brake assembly,
coded. Always observe the locations of the springs
while the Model 16 uses two.
and replace them in their original positions.
The procedures in this section are deliberately limited to
5. Using a punch, stake the motor and the plate shown in
those which we believe should be attempted in the field,
Figure 5J-5 so as to prevent reinstallation of the motor at
using commonly available tools and average facilities. Re-
an incorrect position. Then remove the motor es shown,
pairs beyond the scope of this section should not be at-
bearing in mind that it is not necessary to remove the brake
assembly if only the motor is to be replaced. It may be
necessary to use a pry bar to loosen the motor. Have a
I: should be noted that the most probable cause of trouble
suitable pan ready to catch the hydraulic oil which will
IS the hydraulic motor, which can be removed end replaced
drain as the motor is removed. Always replace the motor
without disturbing any other portion of the winch. The
O-ring and all other O-rings and seals disturbed during
second most probable cause for service, would be the re-
placement of the brake pads. This can also be done without
disassembly or removal of any other pert of the winch.
6. Match mark the plate and its corresponding surface on
the winch sidestand. Then, remove the plate shown in
REMOVAL. It is recommended that the winch be removed
Figure 5J-5. This plate is doweled on each end and it may
from the machine if the required repairs are beyond the
be necessary to use a pry bar to loosen the plate. A seal is
replacement of the motor or brake pads. To remove the
located on the rear side of this plate and will come off in
winch, proceed as follows:
the bore in the plate.
1. Unreeve the bottom block, and either remove the wire
7. Remove the lower caliper brake assembly in the same
rope or wind the rope onto the winch drum and secure it.
manner described for the upper brake assembly if your
2. Disconnect the winch drum turn indicator, if quipped.
winch is a Model 16. The Model 10 winch her only one
3 Disconnect the hydraulic lines attached to the win&
8. Refer to Figure 5J-6 end remove the brake disc, shaft,
motor ports, motor drain port, and brake assembly. If the
and bearing as shown. It may be necessery to use a pry bar
winch is quipped with a two speed motor, disconnect the
to free the assembly. Note that the Sprag clutch (a one-way
hydraulic line and electrical wires attached to the solenoid
clutch) is contained in the hub behind the bearing.