1. Place the propeller shaft between the connected units,
and install the capscrews end nuts which secure the shaft
flanges to the companion flanges.
The pumps should always be disengaged when the
2. After all the capscrews and nut hew been installed,
machine is driven on the highway.
tighten each securely.
REMOVAL. To remove the pump drive assembly, proceed
a s follows:
1. Remove necassary sheet metal to gain access to the
pump drive assembly.
Repairs to the rear axles are covered by the service manuals
2. If equipped with a Cummins engine, proceed as follows
prepared by the axle manufacturer. These service manuals
to remove power steering pump. If not proceed with step 3.
can be obtained from the nearest dealer or by contacting
the manufacturer at the following address:
and left side of the power steering pump.
Automotive Division
B. Remove drive belts from the pump sheave.
North American Rockwell Corp.
Detroit, Michigan 48232
C. Remove two mounting bolts (2) and shims. Swing
the power steering pump to the side.
3. Disconnect the propeller shaft from the pump drive
assembly by removing the bolts from the drive flange.
Disconnect shifter shaft by removing cotter pin end pin.
Disconnect pumps.
GENERAL. The hydraulic pump drive mechanism consists
of three basic assemblies, the central gear box assembly and
4. Using a suitable lifting device remove pump drive
two power take off units, one on each side of the center
assembly from the carrier.
REPAIR. Repairs to the pump drive assembly should be
The pumps are mounted on the power takeoff units. The
limited to the replacement of worn or broken parts.
two power take off units are quipped with shifter shafts,
which are actuated by levers on a cross shaft. The shifter
The pump drive assembly can be disassembled into three
shafts disengage and engage the pumps and pump drives.
basic sections, the center gear box and two power take-offs,
Figure 8-12. Rear Suspension