A. Loosen the damp that secures steering wheel tube
B. Remove the U-bolt which supports the steering
column In the cab.
c. Remove the steering column.
counter clock wise.
4. Remove horn contact cup (3) and spring (4).
5. Remove wheel nut (7). Then remove wheel (8) with a
wheel puller or by m-installing wheel nut (7) about 4 turns.
Grasp the wheel with with hands at the spokes and pull up
steadily as the wheel is rocked back and forth slightly.
6. Remove bearing spring (11) and spring seat (12).
7. Remove turn signal control lever (18) by unscrewing it
from the turn signal switch plate pivot post.
8. To disconnect the turn signal switch plate from the
switch assembly proceed as follows. The switch and switch
plate are joined by means of a sliding pin In the switch
assembly extending through the switch plate just inside the
detent point. The pin is held in position by a small spring
loaded "C" washer.
A. Compress the spring and slide the "C" washer off the
pin. Then remove the spring.
Figure 10-4. Steering Gear and Column Mounting
B. Remove the turn signal switch plate by lifting it
straight up out of switch housing (16).
1. Lubricate upper bearing (13) lightly with lubri-plate.
2. Reassemble horn cable and contact assembly (21) in the
new switch plate. (Be certain roller contact is on the same
Carefully note the way the wiring is laid in the hous-
side of the switch plate as the cancelling cams and springs.)
ing. Incorrect routing of the wiring at reassembly may
cause binding of the switch plate or shorting of the
3. Gather horn cable (21). indicator light cable (24) and
turn signal cables with terminals slightly staggered to pre-
vent bunching.
9. Carefully pull the disconnected cable assemblies out of
the wire trough in jacket tube (23) and out of switch hous-
4. Wrap the terminal ends lightly with tape and insert them
ing (16).
into the opening in turn signal housing (16), and feed them
through jacket tuba (23). until they start out the opening in
10. Remove J-bolts (15).
the lower portion of the jacket tube.
5. Slip the plastic protector tube over the cable assembly
and carefully pull the cable assembly on down while
properly locating the cables in the base of switch housing
By removing turn signal housing (16), the spring (11).
spring seat (12), and jacket tuba bearing (13) will also
6. Insert the turn signal switch plate pivot pin in the pivot
be removed.
hole of the housing after lubricating it lightly with lubri-
11. Remove signal housing (16).
plate or a similar lubricant.
REASSEMBLY. To reassemble the steering column pro-
7. Reassemble switch plate on switch pin and install the
ceed as follows:
spring and "c" washer on the switch pin.