Figure 10-5. Steering Column (20Z1144)
housing (16) and lower edge of the steering wheel skirt.
8. Install control lever (18) and actuate switch in both
This gap must be a minimum of 3/32 inch (2.382 mm). If
directions several times to be certain there is no binding. If
adjustment is necessary loosen the jacket tube clamp at the
there is friction or binding, recheck the position on the
steering gear upper cover and mow the jacket tube up or
wiring in the switch housing and reposition if necessary.
down to obtain the necessary clearance. Tighten the jacket
9. Install bearing seat (12) and spring (11) on wheel tube
t u b e clamp bolt to 30-35 foot-pounds torque
(4.149-4.8405 m/kg).
10. Place turn signal switch in off or neutral position.
16. Install the completed steering column in the carrier as
11. Install steering wheel (8).
A. Place the steering column in place, sliding the U joint
12. Install wheel nut (7) and torque it to 55-65 foot-
end of the steering column over the splind shaft of
pounds (7.6065-8.9895 m/kg).
the steering gear.
13. Install horn contact spring (4) and contact cup (3) and
B. Fasten the clamp which holds wheel tube (14) to the
replace horn button (1) and emblem assembly (2) by
steering gear.
pressing button down hard and turning it dockwise.
C. Install the supporting U bolt, for the steering column.
14. Remove the tape from the cable terminals and recon-
nect the wires. Check the horn, emergency flasher switch
and turn signal switch to be sure they are functioning
REMOVAL. To remove the steering gear from the carrier,
15. Check gap between upper face of turn signal switch