Coupling or shaft shaft or disengaged. Disassemble the pump and check the
Pump not delivering fluid.
shaft and cartridge for damage. Replace
the necessary parts.
Fluid intake pipe in reservoir
Check all strainers and filters for dirt
and sludge. Clean if necessary
Fluid viscosity too heavy to pick
Completely dram the system. Add new
up prime.
filtered fluid of the proper viscosity.
Air leaks at the intake. Pump
Check the inlet connections to deter-
not priming.
mine where air is being drawn in.
lighten any loose connections. See
that the fluid in the servoir is above the
intake pipe opening. Check the mini-
mum drive speed which may be too
slow to prime the pump
Relief valve stuck open.
Disassemble the pump and wash the
valve in clean solvent. Return the valve
to its bore and check for any stickness.
A gritty feeling on the valve periphery
cm be polished with crocus cloth. Do
not remove excess material, round off
the edges of the lands or attempt to
polish the bore. Wash all parts and
reassemble the pump.
Vane(s) stuck in the rotor slot(s).
Disassemble the pump. Check for dirt or
metal chips. Clean the parts thoroughly
and replace any damaged pieces. If
necessary flush the system and refill it
with clean fluid.
System relief valve set too low.
lnsufficient pressure build-up.
Use a pressure gauge to correctly adjust
the relief valve.
Worn parts causing internal leakage
Replace pump cartridge.
of pump delivery.
Pump making noise.
Pump intake partially blocked.
Service the intake strainers. Check the -
fluid condition and, if necessary, dram
and flush the system. Refill with clean
Air leaks at the intake or shaft seal.
Check the inlet connections and seal to
(Oil in reservoir would probably
determine where air is being drawn in.
be foamy.)
Tighten any loose connectcons and re-
place the seal if necessary. See that the
fluid in the resevoir is above the intake
pipe opening.
Pump drive speed too slow or
Operate the pump at the recommended
too fast.
Coupling misalignment.
Check if the shaft seal bearing or other
parts have been damaged. Replace any
damaged parts. Realign the coupled