TM 5-3810-294-34
a. Note the relative position of the solenoid
c. Replace the armature if the bearing
(10), lever housing (7), and nose housing (8) so the
surfaces are worn. If the commutator is worn, dirty, out
motor can be reassembled with these parts in the same
of round, or has high insulation, turn it down on a lathe.
After turning, undercut the insulation to 1 / 32 inch wide
b. Disconnect the connector on the field coil
and deep. Lightly sand the commutator with NO. 00
sandpaper. Remove all dirt and copper dust. Check the
(41) from the terminal in the solenoid (10). Remove the
commutator bars for opens, shorts and grounds with a
screws (1).
growler or test lamp.
d. Check the teeth on the drive pinion and
(3) and remove the end frame (4) from the field frame
replace the drive if the teeth are worn or damaged.
(5). Remove the field frame (5) and dowels (6) from the
e. Replace the shift lever if it is cracked or
lever housing (9).
d. Remove the bolts (7) and separate the
Replace worn or cracked brushes and
nose housing (8) from the lever housing (9).
e. Slide a standard half-inch coupling or a
damaged brush springs. Check the solenoid spring for
metal cylinder of suitable size over the armature shaft so
Replace all imperfect parts.
the cylinder butts against the collar (12). Tap the
g. Replace the field coil if a test with a lamp
cylinder with a hammer to drive the collar toward the
shows open circuits or grounds.
armature and off the snap ring (11). Removal the snap
h. Replace all snap rings and all hardware
ring and collar.
Remove the drive (13), armature (14),
with stripped threads or other damage.
washers (15, 16 and 17), and coil insulation (18).
3-12. Reassembly and Installation
g. Disconnect the lead (20) and remove the
Refer to figure 3-2 and reassemble the starting motor as
other parts (21 through 25) of the brush support kit
(19).Remove the springs (26) and disassemble the
a. Set bushing (37) on stud (38). Carefully
brushes (28) from the holders (29 and 30) by removing
install the field coil (41) in the frame (5) and insert the
the screws (27).
insulation (18) between the coil and frame.
h. Remove the nut (31), lockwasher (32) and
b. Set the pole shoes (40) in place and secure
connector (33). Remove the nut (34), washers (35 and
them with the screws (39) using a pole shoe screwdriver.
36), insulated bushing (37) and stud (38).
c. Install the two washers (35 and 36), nut
Remove the screws (39) with a pole shoe
(34), connector (33), lockwasher (32) and nut (31).
screwdriver. Remove the shoes (40) using a spreader.
d. Place retainer (48), washer (49), boot (50),
Remove the field coil (41) being careful not to distort the
spring (51) and retainer (52) on the shaft of the plunger
field frame.
(47) and secure the parts with snap ring (46). Assemble
Drive out the lever (42). Remove the snap
the shift lever (45) to the end of the plunger (47) with pin
ring (43) and pin (44) to disassemble the shift lever (45)
(44) and snap ring (431.
from the plunger (47).
e. Set the lever (45) and assembled parts in
k. Remove the snap ring (46) and
the lever housing (9) and secure it in place with the lever
disassemble the plunger (47), retainer (48), washer (49),
boot (50), spring (51) and retainer (52).
f. Install the brushes (28) in the brush holders
3-10. Cleaning
(29 and 30) and secure with screws (27).
a. Clean all parts except the drive (13) with dry
g. Assemble the support (25), screw (24), lock-
cleaning solvent (Federal Specification P-S-661) and dry
washer (23), nut (22) and pin (21) of the brush support
with compressed air. Clean the drive with a clean cloth.
kit (19). Install these parts and the assembled brushes
Caution: Do not clean the drive, armature
with the springs (26). Connect the ground lead (20).
h. Insert the armature shaft through the washer
1141 or field coils (41) in a degreasing tank or with
(16), lever housing (9), washer (17), drive assembly (13),
grease dissolving solvents since this would dissolve
stop collar (12) and snap ring (11). Place the snap ring
b. Clean the commutator with NO. 00 sand-
in the armature shaft groove. Slip a washer onto the
shaft and slide the washer down to the snap ring. Using
two sets of pliers force the stop collar (12) over the snap
Caution: Do not use emery cloth.
ring. Remove the washer.
3-11. Inspect and Repair
Assemble the nose housing (8) to the lever
a. Check all housings for cracks or other
housing and secure with bolts (7).
damage, particularly the sealing surfaces. Replace any
damaged housings.
b. Check the commutator end frame and
replace if it is cracked or distorted.