TM 5-3810-294-34
1. Split washer
6. Keeper plate
2. Roller
7. Lockwasher
3. Bushing
8. Grease fitting
4. Spacer
9. Capscrew
5. Bracket
10. Hook roller pin
Figure 8-1. Hook roller assembly view.
roller pin (10) hi bracket (5), and install spacer (4) on hook
8-4. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
roller pin 410).
Clean all the hook roller parts in an approved cleaning
b. Install roller (2) on hook roller pin (10) and press roller
solvent and allow to dry. Inspect roller, bushing, and
onto the pin until split washer ( 1 ) can be installed in the
hook roller pin for scoring, galling, excessive wear, and
groove in. the hook roller pin, Slide roller over the split washer
roundness. Inspect all other parts for excessive wear or
to hold it in place. Slide hook roller pin and roller toward the
distortion. Replace any part which is excessively worn or
keeper plate end.
8-6. Installation
8-5. Reassembly
Refer to TM 5-3 10-294-20 and install and adjust the hook
Refer to figure 8-i and reassemble the hook roller as
a. Install bushing (3) in roller (2). Install hook