TM 5-3810-294-34
1. Push rod
10. Capscrew
2. Boot
11. Washer
3. Stop wire
12. Filler plug
4. Piston stop washer
13. Gasket
5. Secondary cup
14. Housing
6. Piston
15. Washer
7. Primary cup
16. Fitting
8. Spring
17. Washer
9. Pipe plug (2)
18. Capscrew
Figure 7-2. Master cylinder assembly exploded view.
7-8. Inspection, Cleaning and Repair
"clean up" the interior of the housing bore, provided it does n
a. Clean housing and all other parts with a suitable
increase bore diameter. Indication that the bore has been hone
solvent. Immediately after cleaning, rinse parts in
previously is cause for immediate replacement.
hydraulic fluid of the type used in the system to remove
d. Check bore diameter with an inside micrometer an
all traces of solvent. Use compressed air or clean, dry,
against a new cylinder. Maximum difference between a ne
lint-free cloth to dry parts after cleaning.
cylinder and an old one is 0.007 inch. An alternate method is t
b. Hold housing toward a strong light and sight
insert piston (6, fig. 7-2)'in housing (14) and check with a wir
through the cylinder bore. Blemishes such as pitting,
feeler gage. Maximum clearance is 0.007 inch.
scratches, and visible wear patterns are cause for
e. Be sure that honed housing has no burr at th
replacement of the entire assembly.
compensating port, because this will damage the cup lips an
c. Use a hone to remove accumulations of dirt or
cause the cylinder to leak. Remove burrs with a deburring tool.
gummy substances not removed during the cleaning
process. The hone may also be used to