TM 11-5895-1551-23P
b. Install spring (111), screen (110), gasket (109)
12-12. Cleaning
and fitting (108).
Wash all parts except those with neoprene
c. Install springs (1071, adjusting needles (106)
diaphragms in dry cleaning solvent (Federal Specification
and cap (105). Turn in needles lightly to seat and then
P-S-661). Place the parts to be cleaned in a metal
back them off 1 turns.
basket suspended in the cleaning s solution and agitate
d. Insert shaft (99) in body and replace spring (104)
the parts. After soaking the parts, rinse them in hot
and stop screw (103).
water. Remove remaining foreign matter with a stiff
e. Install gasket (102), throttle (101) arid shaft
brush. After rinsing dry the parts with compressed air.
Direct the air through all passages and tubes.
f. Install housing (98) and screw (97).
Caution: Do not clean jets and passages with
g. Replace throttle plates (84 and 85) in the bores
a drill, wire or similar object. Doing so may distort
from which they were removed. Install screws (96).
the jets and passages and remove protective
When installing the secondary plates, place a .005 -
.006 - inch shim about 1/8-inch wide between the
12-13. Inspection and Repair
lowered side (viewed from top) of each plate and the
a. Replace castings that are cracked, have scored
barrel. Hold the throttle plates closed while tightening
mating surfaces or are otherwise damaged.
the screws to insure proper closing of the plates.
b. Replace any part with worn or damaged threads.
h. Install clamp (95), screw (93) and nut (94).
c. Blow compressed air through all tubes and jets
Mount bracket (92) and install screws (91).
to insure they are open.
Re-clean any clogged
i. Install choke shaft (89) and choke plates (86 and
87) in body. Be sure to replace choke plates in the bores
d. Replace all bent or distorted adjusting screws
from which they were removed. Install screws (88) and
and needles.
nozzle extensions (90).
e. Replace the float if it leaks or is corroded.
j. Install diaphragm (83), spring (82), cover (81)
Shake the float to determine if fuel has leaked into it.
and screws (80).
Replace inlet needle and seat if either is damaged.
k. Set gasket (79) in place and install housing (78)
f. Replace accelerator pump check valve and
and screws (77).
discharge needle if they are nicked or grooved. Replace
I. Replace lever (76). Attach retainer link (75) to
piston cup if worn or damaged. Polish pump rod with
lever (76).
crocus cloth if the finish is rough or corroded. Lubricate
m. Install cover (74) and screw (73).
rod with graphite grease before reassembly.
n. Install diaphragm (72), cover (711 and screws
g. Check that choke shaft and choke plates turn
(70). Turn in screws until both flange surfaces come
freely inside and around nozzle extensions. Check
together. Pull diaphragm rod as far toward throttle shaft
nozzle extensions for rough edges and worn bearing
as possible. Hold in this position and tighten alternate
surfaces. Replace extensions if there is binding.
screws (70). Release rod and tighten all screws. Lock
h. Replace choke and throttle plates if edges are
the screws with lock wire (68) and a seal (69).
nicked or if protective plating has been damaged. Check
o. Install seal (67), retainer (66) and spring (65).
that poppet valve operates freely in choke plates.
Mount housing (64) on throttle body and secure with
i. Check choke and throttle shafts for bending,
wear on bearing surfaces, and loose riveted levers.
p. Install lever (62), lockwasher (61), nut (60) and
Replace any shaft with these defects.
pin (59). Hold throttle plates open and install spring (58).
j. Check action of economizer diaphragm and
q. Install gasket (57) on housing (64). Install cover
replace if defective. Check that power valve operates
(56) and secure with screws (55). Lock screws with lock
freely without sticking.
wire (53) and seal (54).
k. Replace all choke and throttle levers that are
r. Install gasket (115) and spacer (52). Join main
bent or worn.
body (50) to throttle body (51) and secure with screws
l. Replace all broken or distorted springs.
m. Replace governor spring port if bent or worn.
Check that modulator lever operates freely.
s. Install seal (47), gaskets (46), bracket (45) and
n. Replace all gaskets and seals.
fitting (44). Tighten fitting securely.
12-14. Reassembly and Installation
t. Install needle valve (43), main well tubes (42)
a. Install plug (114), fitting (113) and plug (112)
and piston cup (411.
u. Install valve ball (40) and retainer (39).
Work ball into seat with a brass rod and light