TM 5-3810-295-34
p. Check clearance between the thrust washer and
v. Apply a thin coat of cup grease to the inner face
gear on each shaft. Clearance should be between 0.008
of outer thrust washer (17). Place he thrust washer over
to 0.015 inch, or a maximum of 0.019 inch with used
the end of the idler gear hub with the oil grooves facing
parts. Check backlash between the mating gears.
the idler gear.
q. Place inner thrust washer (21) on the forward
w. Check backlash between mating gears.
end of the idler gear hub (20). Be sure the oil grooves in
Backlash should be 0.003 to 0.005 inch for new gears,
the thrust washer face the idler gear.
and should not exceed 0.007 inch for used gears.
r. Press bearing (22) into the bore of gear (18).
s. Place the small protruding end of the idler gear
4-31. Installation
hub (20) through the hole in the end plate and into the
a. Refer to chapter 4 and install flyweel housing,
counterbore in the cylinder block.
flywheel, and cylinder head.
t Install two pilot bolts through the hub to align the
b. Refer to chapter 2 and install engine in the
assembly. Install bolt (19) and tighten the bolt to 40- 45
ft-lb (54-61 N ‡ m). Remove the two pilot screws.
c. Refer to chapter 3 and install engine
u. Lubricate the idler hub and idler gear bearing
d. Refer to TM 5-3810-295-12 and install fan,
with clean engine oil. Position the crankshaft gear and
hoses, lines and filters. Refer to paragraph 3-18 and
balance gear so their timing marks align with those on
install the radiator. Time engine in accordance with
the idler gear. Install idler gear (18).
instructions given in TM 5-3810-295-12.
the crane.
4-32. Description
b. Refer to figure 4-16. Remove plug (1) and drain
The oil pan is made of cast aluminum.
lubricating oil from the engine.
4-33. Removal and Disassembly
a. Refer to chapter 2 and remove the engine from