TM 5-3810-295-34
parts is 0.0025 to 0.0034 inch. Maximum clearance for
match. Check timing gear backlash. The specified
used parts is 0.010 inch.
backlash with new gears is 0.003 to 0.005 inch, and a
o. Blow dry air through the oil passage in the con-
maximum of 0.008 inch for used parts.
e. Install the upper half of the crankshaft thrust
necting rod and spray nozzle to be sure the holes are
washers (10) on each side of the rear main bearing sup-
open. Check the connecting rod for cracks using a mag-
port. Install the lower half of the thrust washers on each
naflux procedure. Inspect connecting rod bushings for
side of the rear main bearing cap (6). Install thrust
signs of wear, scoring, overheating or other damage.
p. Check clearance between the piston pin and the
washer pins (9).
connecting rod bushings. If clearance exceeds 0.010
inch with used parts, replace the piston pin and/or
The grooved side of thrust washers must face
q. Inspect cylinder liners for scoring, pitting, heat
the crankshaft thrust surfaces.
fatigue, and wear. Replace any liners that are badly worn
or scored.
f. Install lower bearing shells (8) in bearing caps (7)
and (6), in the same positions from which they were
removed. Install bearing cap bolts (5) and bearing caps
4-39. Reassembly and Installation
(6) and (7). Draw the bolts up snug. Rap each cap
a. Refer to figure 4-16A. Press a new oil pump
sharply with a soft hammer to seat them properly.
drive spur gear (13) onto shaft (14). Check the press fit
g. Draw the bearing cap bolts uniformly tight, start-
of the gear on the shaft. The gear should not slip on the
crankshaft at 100 foot-pounds (136 N ‡ m).
ing with the center cap and working alternately toward
both ends of the block. Tighten the bolts to 120-130 ft-lb
(163-176 N ‡ m). The crankshaft should turn freely.
h. Check crankshaft end play with a dial indicator.
Do not exceed this torque. If the gear slips on
End play should be between 0.004 and 0.011 inch with
the shaft, replace the gear.
new parts, or a maximum of 0.018 inch with used parts.
i. Install cylinder liners (24) in the cylinder block.
b. Install Woodruff key (12) and install crankshaft
Then measure the liner as shown in figure 4-18. If the
timing gear (11) on the crankshaft.
taper exceeds 0.002 inch, or the out-of-round exceeds
c. Install upper bearing shells (8) in the same loca-
0.003 inch, replace the cylinder liner. Tap the liner lightly
tions from which they were removed. The upper shells
with a soft hammer to assure it is properly seated against
are grooved.
the bottom of the counterbore.
d. Apply clean engine oil to all crankshaft journals
and install the crankshaft in place so that the timing
marks on the crankshaft timing gear and the idler gear
Figure 4-18. Cylinder liner measurements.