TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
d. Remove the shims from the rotor shafts or the
inner face of the gears, and note the number and
thickness of the shims.
Remove the bolts and lock washers securing the
rotor shaft bearing retainers (6) to both the front and
rear end plates. Remove the retainers.
Remove the blower rear end plate and bearing
assembly from the blower housing and rotors with
the two pullers J 6270-1 as follows:
a. Remove the two fillister head screws (26)
securing the rear end plate (24) to the blower
Fig. 8 - Removing Oil Seal (or Seal Ring Collar) and
housing, and loosen the two fillister head
Bearing from End Plate
screws securing the front end plate (23) to the
housing approximately three turns.
10. Remove the bearings and the lip type oil seals from
the 71 and 71E blower end plates as follows:
b. Back out the center screws of the pullers. far
enough to permit the flange of each puller to lay
a. When performing a major overhaul, discard the
flat on the face of the end plate.
oil seals, otherwise inspect the oil seals. If the
seals are scored, or hard, new seals must be
Secure the pullers to the end plate with six 1/4"-
installed. If necessary, remove the seals from
20 x 1-1/4" bolts.
the end plates at the same time the individual
bearings are removed.
Be sure that the 1/4"-20 bolts are
threaded all the way into the tapped holes in the
b. Support the outer face of the end plate on wood
end plate to eliminate possible damage to the
blocks on the bed of an arbor press.
end plate.
Place the long end of the oil seal remover and
d. Turn the two pullers screws uniformly clockwise
installer J 6270-3 down through the oil seal and
and withdraw the end plate and bearings from
into the bearing, with the opposite end of the
the blower housing and rotors as shown in Fig.
Then, press the bearing and oil seal out of the
end plate.
Remove the blower front end plate in the same
manner as described above.
d. Remove the remaining bearings and oil seals
from the end plates in the same manner.
Withdraw the blower rotors from the housing.
11. Remove the bearings and ring type oil seals (if
used) carriers, and collars from the blower rotor
shafts and end plates as follows:
a. Clamp one lobe of the rotor in a bench vise
equipped with soft jaws (Fig. 9). Tighten the
vise just enough to hold the rotor stationary.
b. If used remove .005" shims (spacer) on the 71P
Fig. 7- Removing Blower End Plate
Remove the oil seal ring from the seal ring
carrier on each blower rotor shaft with a
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