Do not use high voltage such as
110 volt test lamps, to check di-
Before replacing a diode in the rectifier
end frame, the end frame must be sepa-
rated from the drive end frame as de-
Replacement" o n p a g e 1 0 D - 1 6 . A l s o , b e -
fore replacing a diode in the heat sink or
end frame, it is necessary to remove the
heat sink from the end frame by detach-
ing from the heat sink the regulator
lead, the heat sink mounting screws, and
mounting screws, and the flat insulator
located behind the heat sink. The sili-
cone grease on both sides of the flat
insulator provides the necessary heat
transfer between heat sink and end
Reapply silicone grease during
assembly, tighten the heat sink mounting
screws loosely, securely tighten the out-
put terminal, then securely tighten the
heat sink screws.
To replace a diode in the heat sink, sup-
port the heat sink, and use an arbor
press or vise to push the diode out. Use
a suitable tool to pull the diode out of
the end frame.
Also use a suitable tool
which fits over the outer diode edge to
push the diode in, and support the heat
s i n k or end frame with a suitable tool.
Diode replacement tools are avail-
a b l e f r o m v a r i o u s manufacturers
normally supplying tools and test
equipment to the automotive indus-
Do not strike the diode, as the
s h o c k may damage it and the other
l i s t e d i n t he p a r t s l i s t f o r t h i s
u n i t . N e v e r use substitutes.
The stator windings
may be checked with a 110 volt test lamp
or an ohmmeter. If the lamp lights, or if
Electrical Components