E. R i n s e t h e b l o c k i n c l e a r h o t w a t e r t o
Pressure Test Cylinder Block
r e m o v e the acid solution.
Extremely tight fitting cylinder liners,
F. N e u t r a l i z e t h e a c i d t h a t m a y c l i n g t o
severe scoring of the liners and over-
the casting by immersing the block in
heating of the engine may result in
an alkaline bath.
cracks in the cylinder bores. Overheat-
ing of the engine may also result in
G. W a s h t h e b l o c k i n c l e a n w a t e r o r
cracks between the water jackets and the
s t e a m clean it.
o i l passages.
The cylinder block may be pressure test-
ed for cracks or leaks by either one of
two methods. In either method, it will
openings in the top of the block. Main
bearing caps may be used to secure the
plates to the block with the cylinder
head bolts or studs and nuts. Cylinder
head seal rings may be used as gaskets
between the plates and the block. It will
a l s o be necessary to use water hole cover
plates and gaskets to cover the water
pump inlet openings in the block. Drill
and tap one cover plate to provide a
With the cylinder block prepared in the
above manner, the core hole plugs in-
stalled and the plugs removed from the
o i l passages, test the block as follows:
METHOD "A". This method may be used
when a large enough water tank is avail-
able and the cylinder block is completely
stripped of all parts.
1. Immerse the block for twenty minutes
in a tank of water heated to 180-200F
Figure 11B-8. Sealing Plate Detail
for Pressure Test
4. Dry the cylinder block with com-
pressed air.
5. Make certain that all water passages,
oil galleries and air box drain holes have
been thoroughly cleaned.
The above cleaning procedure may
and steel parts of the engine.
Mention will be made of special cle-
aning procedures whenever neces-
Prepared for Pressure Test
Engine (Less Major Assemblies)