B. Measure the entire bore of each cyl-
inder with bore gauge J 5347-01
dicator calibrated in 0.0001" incre-
ments. The standard block bore is
guage in the master ring gauge J
8386-01 which has an I.D. of 4.6270"
and set the dial to zero. Take meas-
urements on the cleaned-up surface
only at positions A, B, C, E and F in
(Figure 11B-1. Read the measure-
Figure 11B-14. Block Bore
ments from the zero mark on the
Measurement Form
gauge. The reading may be recorded
on a form similar to the one illustrated
4. If necessary, bore the cylinder block
in Figure 11B-14.
as follows:
3. The liner-to-block clearance with new
Each bore in a used block must not be
parts is zero to 0.0015". With used
out-of-round or tapered more than
parts, the maximum clearance is 0.0025".
0.002". If the average block bore is
After measuring the block bores, meas-
over 4.6285", the block should be
ure the outside diameter of the cylinder
bored oversize (refer to Table 11B-1
block-to-liner clearance and whether it
will be necessary to bore the block for
B. A typical commercially available port-
oversize cylinder liners.
able boring bar is illustrated in
Figure 11B-15 on page 11B-9. In-
structions on the correct use of the
boring bar are provided by the man-
C. After boring the block for an oversize
cylinder liner, check the bore finish
to be sure it is smooth (120 RMS).
Heat transfer from the cylinder liner
to the block will be adversely affected
i f the block bore is not smooth.
D. W a s h t h e b l o c k t h o r o u g h l y a f t e r t h e
boring operation,
E. W h e n a n o v e r s i z e l i n e r i s u s e d , s t a m p
the size of the liner on the top deck
of the block adjacent to the liner
counterbore. An oversize liner insert
must be installed whenever an over-
F i g u r e 11B-13. Cylinder Bore
s i z e liner is used.
Measurement Diagram
5. C h e c k t h e t o p o f t h e b l o c k f o r f l a t -
ness with an accurate straight edge and
a feeler gauge (see Figure 11B-16 on
Dial bore gauge setting master tool
J 23059-01 may be used in place of
the master ring gauge.
A. The top surface of the block must not
vary more than 0.003" transversely
and not over 0.007" longitudinally. It
will be difficult to prevent water, oil
and compression leaks if the top sur-
face of the block exceeds these