position as shown in Figure 11B-65 on
page 11B-41 and rotate it to determine
the concentricity of each valve seat in-
sert relative to the valve guide. If the
runout exceeds 0.002", check for a bent
valve guide before regrinding the insert.
F i g u r e 11B-65. Determining
Concentricity of Valve Seat Insert
1. Clean the valve guides.
2. Lubricate the valve stems with sul-
phurized oil (E.P. type) and slide the
valve all the way into the guides.
Dressing Tool
After the valve seat insert has been
ground, determine the position of the
If reconditioned valves are used
contact area between the valve and the
install them in the same relative lo-
v a l v e seat insert as follows:
cation from which they were re-
A. Apply a light coat of Prussian blue,
3. Hold the valve in place temporarily
with a strip of masking tape. Then turn
B. Lower the stem of the valve in the
the cylinder head right side up on the
valve guide and "bounce" the valve
work bench. Place a board under the
on the seat. Do not rotate the valve.
head to support the valves and to pro-
This procedure will show the area of
vide clearance between the cam followers
contact on the valve face. The most
and the bench.
d e s i r a b l e area of contact is at the cyl-
inder of the valve face.
4. Install the valve spring seats.
5. Install the valve springs and valve
spring caps.
The use of valve lapping compound
i s not recommended.
7455 into one of the rocker shaft bolt
holes in the cylinder head (see
After the valve seat inserts have been
ground and checked, clean the cylinder
head before installing the valves.
7. Apply pressure to the free end of the
tool to compress the valve sprin and in-
s t a l l t h e t w o p i e c e t a p e r e d valve
I n s t a l l Exhaust Valves and Springs
Exercise care to avoid scoring the valve
stem with the valve cap when compress-
Install the exhaust valve as follows:
ing the spring.
Engine (Less Major Assemblies)