Remove Crankshaft
Extreme caution should be used
When removal of the crankshaft becomes
when removing a flywheel by ei-
necessary, first remove the torque con-
ther leaving one or two bolts in
verter, then proceed as follows:
t h e flywheel, or installing two sui-
table guide pins to support the
1. Clean the exterior of the engine.
f l y w h e e l until a lifting tool or some
o t h e r suitable safe Iifting device is
2. Drain the cooling system.
a t t a c h e d to the flywheel.
Each main bearing journal is 3-1/2" in
4. Remove all engine to base attaching
diameter and each connecting rod journal
bolts. Then, with a chain hoist and
is 2-3/4" in diameter.
E n g i n e (Less Major Assemblies) 11B-45