installed between the counterbore in the
flywheel housing and the oil seal. The
spacer changes the relative position of
the seal and establishes a new contact
When the oil seal spacer can no longer be
on page 11B-55) may be installed on the
crankshaft to provide a replaceable wear
surface at the point of contact with the
rear oil seal. The oil seal sleeve may be
used in conjunction with the seal spacer.
However, a n o v e r s i z e o i l s e a l m u s t b e
u s e d with the sleeve.
I n s t a l l an oil seal sleeve as follows:
1. Stone the high spots from the oil seal
contact surface of the crankshaft.
Figure 11B-82. Crankshaft Rear Oil
2. Coat the area of the shaft where the
S e a l Mounting
sleeve will be positioned with shellac or
a n equivalent sealant.
2. Coat the lip of the new oil seal lightly
w i t h g r e a s e o r vegetable shortening.
3. Drive the sleeve squarely on the shaft
Then position the seal in the front cover
w i t h oil seal sleeve installer J 4194.
with the lip of the seal pointed toward
the inner face of the cover.
4 . Wipe off any excess sealant.
5. Coat the outside diameter of the
s l e e v e with engine oil.
The vibration damper inner cover
must be removed before installing
To remove a worn sleeve, peen the out-
t h e oil seal.
side diameter until the sleeve stretches
sufficiently so it can be slipped off the
end of the crankshaft.
3. Drive the seal into the front cover
with installer J 9783, which seats the oil
seal in the bore. The installer prevents
O i l Seals
d a m a g e to the seal by exerting force only
o n the outer edge of the seal casing.
Oil seals are made of an oil resistant syn-
thetic rubber which is pre-lubricated
4. Remove any excess sealant from the
with a special lubricant. Do not remove
c o v e r and seal.
t h i s l u b r i c a n t . Keep the sealing lip cle-
an and free from scratches. I n a d d i t i o n ,
5. Install the crankshaft front cover.
a plastic coating which acts as a sealant
has been applied to the outer surface of
6. Install the vibration damper inner
t h e c a s t i n g . D o not remove this coating.
cover after the front cover and seal as-
s e m b l y is in place.
The rear oil seal may have either an open
Install Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
1. Support the inner face of the flywheel
I n s t a l l Crankshaft Front Oil Seal
housing on a flat surface.
1. If the oil seal is not pre-coated, apply
2. Install the rear oil seal spacer, if
a non-hardening sealant to the periphery
used. Install the spacer against the
of the metal casing.
shoulder in the flywheel housing oil seal