3. If the new seal is not pre-coated, ap-
housing on the engine. If the re-
ply a non-hardening sealant to the pe-
tainer is left out oil leakage will
riphery o f t h e m e t a l
position the seal with the lip pointed to-
ward the inner face (or shoulder in the
counterbore) of the housing.
4. Coat the lip of the oil seal lightly with
engine oil.
Do not scratch or nick the
A one piece crankshaft cap
s e a l i n g edge of the oil seal.
(Figure 11B-85 on page 11B-56) is in-
stalled on the front end of the crank-
5. Drive the seal into the housing with
shaft on engines which are not equipped
installer J 9727 and handle J 3154-1 (see
with a crankshaft pulley.
The crank-
shaft cap serves to securely fasten the
vibration damper assembly to the crank-
shoulder in the housing bore.
The in-
is a t t a c h e d t o t h e
staller prevents damage to the seal by
crankshaft by a special bolt and washer.
exerting force only on the outer edge of
t h e seal casing.
Tighten the crankshaft cap retaining bolt
as follows:
If it is necessary to install the oil seal
with the flywheel housing on the engine,
place oil seal expander J 22425 (standard
size seal) or expander J 4195-01 with
handle J8092 (oversize seal) against the
end of the crankshaft.
Then, with the
l i p of the seal pointed toward the engine,
slide the seal over the tool and on the
Remove the seal expander
and drive the seal in place with installer
J 9727 and handle J 3154-1.
6. Remove any excess sealant from the
f l y w h e e l housing and the seal.
7. Install the flywheel housing.
If the oil seal is of the type which
incorporates a b r a s s r e t a i n e r i n
the inner diameter of the seal, be
sure the retainer is in place on the
seal before installing the flywheel
i n Flywheel Housing
Engine (Less Major Assemblies)