The length of the rod can be mea-
Clean the rust preventative from a
sured on connecting rod measure-
s e r v i c e replacement connecting rod
ment fixtures marketed by B.K.
and blow compressed air through
Sweeney, Tobin Arp or equivalent.
t h e drilled oil passage to be sure it
is c l e a r o f o b s t r u c t i o n s .
make sure the split line (cap to
Remove any nicks or burrs from the con-
r o d ) is thoroughly cleaned to avoid
necting r o d b o l t h o l e s w i t h r e a m e r J
The reamer includes a 60 angle
affecting bearing shell
to clean up the chamfer at the bolt hole
to ensure proper seating of the under-
s i d e of the bolt head.
Inspect the bearing (bushing) for indi-
If a new service connecting rod is re-
cations of scoring, overheating or other
stamp the cylinder number on
Measure the thickness of the
the connecting rod and cap.
Replace the
bushing along the center.
b u s h i n g if it is damaged or worn to a
thickness of 0.086" or less. A new bush-
ing is 0.087" to 0.088" thick.
Inspect the piston pin for signs of fret-
When reusing a piston pin, the
highly polished and lapped surface of the
pin must not in any way be refinished.
Polishing or refinishing the piston pin is
E n g i n e (Less Major Assemblies)