TM 5-3810-307-24-1-1
The electrical system is 24-volt operation with 24-volt
output terminals. When the engine is running, the 24-
starting, consisting of an alternator, and four 12-volt
volt terminal supplies power to the machine electrical
lead-acid batteries, series-parallel connected. The
circuits and the voltage to recharge the batteries and
system is a single wire ground return type, utilizing the
maintain them at a full state of charge.
machine's structure as ground.
Electrical power is transferred to and from the carrier
and superstructure through the electrical swivel. For
The four 12-volt batteries are located in a box on the
more detailed information on the electrical swivel, refer
right side of the carrier in front of the fuel tank. The
to Section 13 - SWIVELS.
cover is secured with an adjustable draw latch and
hinges downward to open. A two-position battery
Electrical schematics and wiring diagrams are located
disconnect switch is located below the battery box.
The switch completes or interrupts the battery circuit by
locations of major electrical components.
connecting or disconnecting the circuit to ground.
All electrical circuits are protected by circuit breakers in
the fuse and relay panel located beneath the control
panel of each cab. Refer to Figures 2-14-2 and 2-14-3
The junction box is located on the left rear exterior wall
for identification of circuit breakers.
of the carrier cab. It contains terminal blocks, rectifiers,
relays, and diodes for the carrier electrical circuits.
The alternator is mounted on the engine and is belt
driven. It is a 70 ampere alternator with 24-volt