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The axle will be completely disassembled, cleaned, and
transmit power through the center differential pinions and
assembled in this package.
Some of the major
side gears to the axle shaft. A constant velocity joint is
components include; the wheel ends, the axle shafts, the
used to transfer power from the differential gearing to the
steering knuckles, and the differential assembly.
wheel end.
The axles incorporate planetary gearing in the wheel end
The axles are supported on tapered roller bearings. Steel
and a differential housing with a single reduction bevel
upper and lower steering knuckles provide for movement
drive gear assembly. The spiral bevel pinion and ring gear
of the wheel end for steering purposes.
1. All maintenance procedures are to be accomplished
Refer to the figures titled special tools for a list of the
only by skilled maintenance personnel.
special tools needed to perform specialized maintenance
on the axle.
2. Drain oil before removing, check for presence of
metal particles.
3. Never use a hard object to separate tightly fitted
To assure the security of heavily loaded assemblies in the
assemblies. Proper pullers must be used to remove
axle assembly, use LOCTITE as follows:
bearings, drive flanges, and similar parts.
1. Lightly locked bolts (i.e. wheel safety nut)
4. It is important that the special tools mentioned in this
LOCTITE 242 (blue).
package be used.
Safety of bolts in general - Use LOCTITE 262 (red).
Do not place parts on a dirty surface.
3. Increased adherence (i.e. steering lever and track rod
6. Replace seals, O-rings, and used bearing during
lever, differential ring gear, etc.) - Use LOCTITE 270
Clean all parts before assembly.
Replace or clean corroded parts.
Most cleaning solvents are flammable and
must be kept away form heat and open
9. The cages of bearings rotating in oil are to be coated
flame. Avoid inhalation of fumes and ex-
with oil before assembly.
tended contact with solvent. Failure to
comply can result in injury to personnel.
10. Oil seal rings and particularly the lip seals must be
filled with grease.
11. The universal joint shafts and the axle shafts must not
be force-mounted, they must slide.
Compressed air used for cleaning can create
12. The bolted or keyed assemblies safeties are to be
checked according to instructions.
airborne particles that can enter the eyes.
Pressure will not exceed 30 PSI (206.8 kPa).
Eye protection required.
13. Refill the axle assembly with oil after assembly.