Chapter 8- Troubleshooting & Service Procedures
Experienced troubleshooters talk to the operator if they can, then personally
verify the symptoms of the problem whenever possible. They attempt quick
fixes on the basis of their knowledge of common system problems and causes
when appropriate. They know where components are located, and make re-
pairs when they have a good idea of what the problem is. They fix the cause or
causes as well as the problem. They are confident of their knowledge and
The best troubleshooters all know who to call
when they get stuck. They know someone who knows
more than they do and are not too proud to ask for help
or suggestions when needed. The key--understanding
system function
The Key-Understanding System Function
Your complete understanding of AC and heater systems and how they
work, plus what can go wrong, is the key to troubleshooting and
repair. We have talked about components and system function before. Now
let's take a little different approach in describing what happens when the air
conditioner is turned on. In Figure 8-1 we have used numbers on the illustra-
tion to track normal air conditioner function.
An illustration of the typical
HVAC system. The numbers
follow the action when the
AC part of the system is
working properly (moving
heat out of the cab and into
the outside air).