TM 5-3810-307-24-1-2
No data transmission
a.) 24V supply of console is
a.) Check 24V at terminal X1 of
from console to
console electronics.
central unit (See
b.) Interruption or accidental
b.) Check the connection
Section 8)
ground in the line from
between console electronics
console electronics to central
and central unit.
c.) Transmitter/receiver
c.) lf you find an accidental
module is defective.
in the console electronics can
be damaged. You should,
therefore, replace the console
electronics. Replace console
electronics or main board,
respectively. See Procedure 3.
a.) Temporary interruption of a.) Check the connection
Error in the data
between console electronics
the data line from console
transmission from
and central unit.
electronics to central unit.
console to central
b.) Replace console electronics
b.) Transmitter/receiver
unit (See also
module is defective.
or main board, respectively.
Section 8)
See Procedure 3.
Error in the data
a.) Temporary interruption of a.) Check the connection
transmission from
between console electronics
the data line from console
central unit to
and central unit.
electronics to central unit.
b.) Replace console electronics
console (See also
b.) Transmitter/receiver
or main board, respectively.
Section 8)
module is defective.
See Procedure 3.
No data transmission a.) Interruption or accidental a.) Check the connection
between console electronics
from central unit to
ground in the line from
console electronics to central and central unit. If you find an
console (See also
accidental ground, the
Section 8)
console electronics can be
damaged. Replace the
console electronics.
b.) Replace console electronics
b.) Transmitter/receiver
or main board, respectively.
module is defective.
c.) Check data EPROM.
c.) Data-EPROM is
d.) Replace main board.
d.) CPU is defective.
e.) Electromagnetic
interference (when switching source by inverse diodes or
contractors or valves).
Change-1 G-31