TM 10-1670-298-20&P
(b) Nylon and Rayon Items. A soiled nylon or rayon item, may be spot-cleaned using the procedures In
(a) above. However, the tetrachloroethylene may be substituted by a solution composed of one-half cup of hand dish
washing detergent (liquid or powdered) dissolved in one gallon of warm water A soiled area cleaned with soap and water
solution will be rinsed with fresh, clean water and allowed to dry thoroughly. Do not attempt to wring out the material
which has been cleaned and rinsed
When cleaning a A-21 container soiled by airsickness, insure the quick
release assembly Is not Immersed in water
(c) Plastic and Wood Items. Spot cleaning of a plastic or wood item will be accomplished by using
procedures in (a) or (b) above, as required. Imperfections on plastic items may be removed by buffing with crocus cloth.
Simular type defects on wood items can be disposed of through use of a suitable grade sandpaper. When applicable,
insure that the adjacent fabric materials are not damaged when buffing or sanding
(d) Metal Items. Burrs, rough spots, rust or corrosion on metal Items that cannot be eliminated by
brushing or spot cleaning, using procedures In (1) and (2) above, may be removed by filing with a metal file or by buffing
and polishing with crocus cloth or steel wool, when applicable, insure that the adjacent fabric materials are not damaged
when filing, buffing or polishing When the metal item has been properly smoothed, remove all oils and filings by brushing
and dipping in tetrachloroethylene When the tetrachloroethylene has dried, spray the metal item with a dry film lubricant
and allow to air dry for 24 hours and put hardware back Into service Shield adjacent fabric material when spraying dry
film lubricant to prevent saturation Small amounts of lubricant will not damage fabric, but may cause discoloration and
make fabric appear soiled
b. Drying. Airdrop equipment that Is wet or damp will be suspended or elevated in a well ventilated room or in a
heated drying room Item drying time may be reduced through the use of electric circulating fans When heat is used, the
heat temperature will not be In excess of 160 °
F with preferred temperature at 140 °
F until the item is dry Fabric or
wooden items will not be dried in direct sunlight or by laying an item out on the ground, except In an emergency
Airdrop equipment may be rendered unserviceable by either normal fair wear or by aging and will subsequently be
repaired, modified, or condemned, as appropriate. Equipment that is uneconomically reparable (outdated) will be
condemned. Disposition of airdrop equipment that is condemned, unserviceable, or for which the serviceability is
questionable, will be accomplished using the following procedures, as applicable
a. Item Requiring Repair or Modification. An airdrop Item which requires repair or modification will be tagged In
accordance with TB 750-126 Subsequent work on the item will be performed at the maintenance level specified for the
maintenance function in the applicable supporting technical publication
b. Disposition of Condemned Air Delivery Equipment . Air delivery equipment that have been involved in a
parachute jump fatality will be condemned and tagged as prescribed by TB 750-126. Equipment involved In a fatality will
be retained until engineering studies and investigations have been completed When a fatality parachute Is no longer
needed, it will be destroyed by burning or mutilation with appropriate destruction certification completed for
documentation of supply records. Condemned equipment, other than fatality parachutes, will be removed from service
and disposed of In accordance with current directives