b. Start the engine, allowing it to heat to normal
operating temperature.
e. The compression test is as folows:
(2) Place a suitable cylinder compression
tester in the spark plug hole and crank the
engine with the starter.
(3) The compression gage reading should be
from 80 to 85 psi.
(5) Test the remaining cylinders in a similar
175. Muffler and Pipe
a. Removal.
Remove the exhaust pipe and
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Figure 99. Valve cover assembly, removal and
wire brush.
(3) Inspect the bypass line for cracks, breaks,
breaks, bends, burned out condition, and
and other damage. Replace defective
other damage. Replace defective muffler
bypass line.
and exhaust pipe.
174. Valve Adjustment
a. Remove the valve covers from the engine
Figure 100. Crane engine, valve adjustment.
AGO 6819A