an approved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly. Clean
318. Crane Instrument Panel and Wiring Harness
the wiring harness with a lintfree dry cloth.
b. Inspection. Inspect all parts for excessive wear or
a. Install the crane instrument panel and wiring
damage. Replace all damaged or defective parts.
b. Install the instrument panel component (para.
319. General
321. Crane Engine Starter Assembly Cleaning,
The crane engine starter assembly is a heavy duty
Inspection and Repair
type with over-running clutch-type drive. The starter turns
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with an approved
at 6,000 rpm, drawing 23.4 volts at 30 maximum amperes
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
with no load, and develops 20 foot pounds torque,
b. Inspection and Repair. Inspect all parts for
drawing 6.6 volts at 200 maximum amperes when locked.
excessive wear or damage.
Replace or repair all
The starting motor has four poles using eight brushes and
defective parts. Refer to TM 5-764 for armature and field
has an intermediate bearing to support the armature shaft
coil tests.
in the middle, while the ends are supported by bushings.
320. Crane Engine Starter Assembly Removal and
322. Crane Engine Starter Assembly Reassembly and
a. Reassembly.
Reassemble the starter in the
b. Disassembly.
Disassemble the starter
reverse of the numerical sequence as illustrated on figure
325. Crane Engine Distributor Assembly Cleaning,
323. General
Inspection, and Repair
The crane engine distributor assembly is a 24-volt
grounded type distributor.
The distributor is radio
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with a dry, lint free cloth
suppressed through a built-in system consisting of a
and compressed air.
primary connection capacitor, an ignition coil capacitor,
b. Inspection and Repair. Inspect all parts for
and resistors at each high tension outlet of the distributor
excessive wear or damage.
Replace or repair all
cap, as well as one built into the rotor. The primary
defective parts.
terminal inlet is set at an angle to the distributor housing,
326. Crane Engine Distributor Assembly Reassembly
to prevent mounting space.
and Installation
324. Crane Engine Distributor Assembly Removal
a. Reassembly. Reassemble the distributor in the
and Disassembly
reverse of the numerical sequence as illustrated on figure
b. Disassembly.
Disassemble the distributor in
AGO 6819A