(7) Invert the piston and feeler gage over the
inch, and 0.0003 to 0.0007 inch in rod
cylinder. Place the feeler gage and the
The rod bushing is 1-15-/16
piston in the cylinder. Withdraw the feeler
inches long, 1.941 to 1.943 inches outside
gage and observe the scale reading.
diameter, and 1.7503 to 1.7505 inches
inside diameter.
(8) The proper scale reading is from 5 to 10
pounds. Test the cylinder bore in several
The correct piston ring gap clearance for
this engine is 0.017 to 0.032 inch. Install
the piston ring in cylinder. Invert the piston
(9) The proper thickness of the rod bearings is
in the cylinder and push against the ring
0.0948 to 0.0953 inch. The wear limit is
until the ring is square with the cylinder
0.004 inch.
bore. Remove the piston.
(10) Replace or repair all damaged or defective
Check the piston ring gap with a feeler
parts. Always replace bearings as matched
gage. If the gage exceeds 0.032 inch,
replace the ring. If the gap is less than
0.017 inch, file the end of the ring until
437. Carrier Engine Connecting Rod and Piston
proper clearance is obtained.
Assemblies, Reassembly and Installation
Check the piston ring groove clearance.
a. Reassembly. Reassemble the carrier engine
The correct clearance for first ring is 0.0036
connecting rod and piston assemblies in the reverse of
to 0.0055 inch, second and third rings are
0.0025 to 0.0045 inch, and the fourth ring is
b. Installation.
0.0015 to 0.0036 inch. Install the piston
(1) Install the carrier engine connecting rod and
rings on the piston and attempt to slide the
piston assemblies as illustrated on figure
feeler gage in the groove between the
piston ring and piston land.
(2) Install the carrier engine oil pan (para.
If the feeler gage will not slide in the groove
between the ring and land or if the rings are
(3) Install the carrier engine cylinder head
sprung, distorted, or excessively worn,
replace the rings.
Fit the piston in the cylinder bore with an
0.008 inch feeler gage. Attach the feeler
gage to a spring scales.
439. Carrier Engine Clutch Housing Removal and
438. General
A cast steel clutch housing incloses the clutch
mechanism. The housing provides access to the clutch
a. Removal.
for inspection and adjustments as well as for clutch
bearing lubrication. Remote operation of the clutch is by
(2) Disconnect the transmission controls
linkage connected to a shaft operated yoke located in the
clutch housing.
(3) Remove the carrier transmission (para.
AGO 6819A