546. General
The carrier steering knuckles are the trunnion
548. Carrier Steering Knuckle and Shaft Assembly,
socket-type with universal joints. The power is delivered
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
through the differential to the axle shafts and out
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with an approved
through the constant velocity universal joints to the
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
wheels. The front axle can be engaged to operate as a
b. Inspection and Repair. Inspect all parts for
driving unit or disengaged to rotate freely by operating
excessive wear and damage. The proper adjustment of
the control lever in the operator's cab.
the steering knuckle flange bearings is accomplished by
547. Carrier Steering Knuckle and Shaft Assembly
the shims located under the flange bearing caps.
Removal and Disassembly
Remove shims under each cap until there is no end play
a. Removal.
in the knuckle assembly. After 0.005 inch shims is
removed there should be a small amount of drag in
rotating the steering knuckle, but it should not bind.
Replace or repair all defective parts.
(3) Remove the tie rod drag links (paras.220 and
(4) Remove the carrier steering knuckle and shaft
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the carrier steering
knuckle and shaft assembly in numerical sequence as
Figure 260. Carrier steering knuckle and shaft-
Figure 261. Carrier steering knuckle and shaft,
assembly, removal and installation.
exploded view.
AGO 6819A