Table 2-1. Troubleshooting Chart - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
d. Defective ring or pinion
d. Replace gears (TM 5-3810-232-12).
14. Continuous Humming
a. Defective wheel bear-
a. Replace defective wheel bearing. Adjust as per para
Noise or Noisy Axle
When Driving
b. Lack of lubrication or
b. Check lubricant for correct amount and grade in lu-
use of improper grade
brication order.
of lubricant in univers-
al joints, wheel bear-
c. Broken axle
d. Worn or broken
differential or pin-
e. Worn or broken differ-
ential or pinion bear-
f. Worn pinion gear or
f. Replace pinion and ring gear/bearing as required.
15. Carrier Has No Brake
a. Improper brakeshoe ad-
a. Adjust brakeshoes (TM 5-3810-232-12).
Action, Insufficient
Action or Brake
b. Worn brake linings
b. Adjust for lining wear or replace brakeshoes or lin-
Apply Slowly
c. Blocked, bent or broken
c. Remove obstruction in line or replace faulty tubing
tubing or hose (TM 5-3810-232-12).
d. Brake valve delivery
d. If brake valve is defective, replace unit (TM 5-3810-
pressure below normal 232-12).
e. No air pressure
16. Brake Release Too
a. Insufficient brakeshoe
a. Adjust brakeshoes if clearance is insufficient (TM
Slowly With Pedal
b. Weak or broken valve
b. Replace brake valve (TM 5-3810-232-12).
diaphragm return
c. Defective quick release
c. Replace quick release valve (TM 5-3810-232-12).
17. Brakes Grab When
a. Brakeshoe clearance too
a. Adjust clearance (TM 5-3810-232-12).
Pedal is Depressed great
b. Grease or oil on linings
b. Clean linings or replace brakeshoes or linings (para
c. Drums out-of-round
d. Defective brake valve
d. Replace faulty unit (TM 5-3810-232-12).
e. Brakes need relining
f. Brake chamber dia-
f. Tighten all fittings. If caused by broken or faulty unit,
phragm leaks
replace brake chamber (TM 5-3810-232-12).
18. Carrier Transmission
a. Insufficient or improper
a. Fill to level with proper lubricant as specified in lu-
Excessively Noisy in
brication order.
b. Unit out of line
b. Tighten all mountings securely.
c. Loose transmission
mounting bolts
f. Defective spline shaft-
19. Fan drive hydraulic
a. System leakage loose
a. Inspect and tighten port connections and lines.
motor fails to start
port connections or
(Model 2385)
broken lines
b. No fluid-inadequate
b. Check fluid level in reservoir. Replenish as necessary.
fluid supply at inlet
or in system
c. System return line or
c. Check drain filter. Clean and/or replace filter element.
drain line restricted
d. System inlet line re-
d. Check all strainers and filter for dirt and sludge.
stricted Clean if necessary.