7. Disconnect the linkage attached to the clutch lever at
This section covers the complete power train, Figure 8-1.
the front left of main transmission.
This includes the engine, clutch, main transmission. auxiliary
transmission, propeller shafts, rear axle assemblies and the
8. Mark all electric wiring connections, including those
pump drive.
wires connected to the air solenoid valves on machines
Mark all hydraulic, air, and water connections.
The procedure described here is for a G.M. 6V53N
9. Disconnect all electric wiring, hydraulic, and air hose
engine installation. If another make or model is used
connections, Remove the upper and lower radiator hoses.
there will be minor variations to this procedure.
10. Remove the pump drive propeller shaft et the front of
the engine.
REMOVAL. To remove the carrier engine, clutch and main
11. Disconnect the propeller shaft from the rear of the
transmission, proceed as follows:
main transmission.
12. Remove the radiator, being careful not to lose the
1. Remove the sheet metal over the engine end main
transmission, as required.
13. Make a thorough visual inspection of the engine to
2. Drain the engine cooling system and crankcase.
insure that all necessary wiring and hoses have been discon-
3. Remove the air cleaner and its mounting bracket.
4. Remove the fuel filters end mounting bracket from the
14. Attach a suitable lifting device to the lifting eyes on
upper left rear of the engine.
top of the engine to support it while removing the mount-
ing bolts.
5. Disconnect the shift rod on the left side of the engine.