b. Service.
Remove twelve caps and add
3-24. Inspection of Cab Assembly Glass
distilled water as required to bring the electrolyte level to
Inspect glass in cab assembly for any breakage. Check
approximately 'i inch above battery plates. In freezing
weather, run the engine for at least one hour after adding
water. Keep the batteries charged at all times.
3-25. Hydraulic System Inspection and Test
3-22. Inspection of Hull Wiring Harness Conduit
hydraulic fluid reservoir to be sure it is filled to the level
Check all visible wiring for signs of damage or
mark. Add oil if necessary (refer to current LO). Visually
inspect all hydraulic lines, fittings, cylinders for leaks,
since leaks in these areas could cause hydraulic fluid to
touch brake or clutch linings, thus causing the brake or
3-23. Transmission Inspection and Service
clutch affected to slip. Tighten any loose connections.
Report any other deficiencies to organizational
transmission breather cap for cleanliness. If
necessary rinse the cap in clean diesel fuel or kerosene
and allow to drain dry before replacing. Inspect the
determine maximum rated load for the length of crane
transmission for signs of oil leaks or other damage.
Using a load approximately equal to maximum rated load
for the conditions under which the crane is being
operated, lift the load a few inches above the ground.
See that clutches are adjusted and operating correctly so
that the load is lifted smoothly. Apply the appropriate
drum brake and see that the brake will hold the load
suspended. Lift and lower the boom, being careful not to
exceed rating plate maximum loads which so doing.
Test all hydraulically operated controls to be sure that
they perform normally.
Figure 3-8. Transmission inspection and service.