(2) Crowd chain adjustment. Adjust for
the working conditions. In general, pin the pitch brace in
hole 1 for easy digging and low bank cuts. Pin the brace
in hole 2 for medium or average soil conditions and bank
midspan chain slack at the top of the chain must be
heights, and in hole 3 for hard digging, high banks, and
maintained at approximately 11/4 inch.
(3) Rake angle adjustment. Refer to
when grading the area.
accordance with the type of material being moved and
Figure 3-11. Rake angle and retract cable adjustment.
(4) Retract cable tension adjustment. Refer
cable should be inspected to determine that it is safe for
further use before it is adjusted. Refer to figure 3-12 and
(5) Dipper trip cable adjustment. This
adjust the dipper trip cable tension.
adjustment should not normally be necessary unless the
dipper trip cable wears or stretches. Therefore, the