TM 5-3810-295-34
minal cover (47) from terminal assembly (51). Remove spring pin (48).
Remove screws (49), lock washers (6) and terminal clamp (50) from the terminal assembly. Carefully lift
terminal assembly (51) from the generator housing, along with gasket (52).
m. Remove roller bearing (53) from housing (59) and leads (54) and (55). Remove nuts (56), washers (37) and
lock washers (26) from stator assembly (57). Pull stator assembly (57) from the housing.
n. Remove pipe plug (58) from housing (59).
Inspection and Repair
a. Clean all parts in cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-S-661, before inspecting. Clean all nonelectrical
parts in cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680. Dry all parts with compressed air.
b. Inspect M parts for visible signs of mechanical damage due to wear, cracks, etc. Check all varnish and
epoxy-coated parts for bare spots and recoat if necessary.
c. Check rotor for wear on bearing surfaces.
d. Replace all packings, seals and gaskets.
e. Replace brushes if they are worn more than one-half of their original length.
Test the regulator assembly by substituting it in an alternator known to be in good condition. Replace
the regulator if it does not operate satisfactorily.
g. The stator should be checked for continuity as follows. Connect an ohmmeter between each pair of
terminals. The meter should indicate a very low resistance. If a low reading is not obtained, the stator windings are open
and the stator should be replaced. A ground test should also be made by connecting the ohmmeter between each stator
terminal and the stator core. If a reading is obtained, the stator is grounded and must be replaced.
Diode leads must be disconnected from the stator terminals during this test.
a. Refer to figure 3-1. Grease bearing (53) and press the bearing into housing (59).
b. Install terminal and capacitor assembly (51) on housing (59) with gasket (52) in place. Install terminal clamp
(50) and secure the assembly with screws (49) and lock washers (26).
c. Install insulated mount (44) and rectifiers (42) and (43). Be sure polarities of the rectifiers are in proper
position, according to markings on the housing.
d. Secure capacitor leads to the rectifiers with screws (40), washers (29), insulated washers (30) and insulated
bushing (33). Install capacitor panel (36) and secure with nuts (35).
e. Install spring pin (48) and cover (47) and secure with screws (49) and lock washers (46).
Install seals (8) with lips of the seals pointed towards the rotor. After seals are pressed in place, apply a
small amount of sealant such as Loctite around the outer edges of the seals.
g. Install lock washers (26), washers (37), leads (54) and (55), and secure with nuts (6). Install stator (57) into
housing (59). Be sure housing is free of dirt and grit to avoid damage to the stator windings.
h. Install screw (28), nut (27), lock washer (20), washers (29), insulated washers (30), insulated bushing (31),
lead (32) and studs (34). Install brushes (38) and brush holder (39) and secure into position with screws (25), washers (37)
and lock washers (26).
Install loop clamp (21) and secure with screw (25) and lock washer (26) Install second loop clamp (21) to end
cover (18) and secure with screw (19) and lock washer (20). Install regulator (23) and secure with screws (22) and lock
washers (24).
Install packing (41) and end cover (18) and secure with screws (17).
k. Grease bearing (12) and press the bearing and shaft of rotor (16) into drive end housing (15). Slide rotor
assembly into housing and stator.
Secure drive end housing with screws (13) and washers (14). Install packing (10) and (11), bearing spacer
(9). Press seal (8) into position with seal lip pointed toward pulley end of the shaft.
m. Install bearing retainer (7) and secure the retainer with screws (6).
n. Slide fan (5) into position on the shaft and install Woodruff key (4) into position between the shaft and fan.
Install pulley spacer (3), washer (2) and nut (1). Do not hold fan when nut (1) is tightened.
Refer to TM 5-3810-295-12 and install the generator
on the crane engine.
The starting motor, through the engine ring gear, cranks the engine until it starts. The staring motor automatically
disengages from the ring gear when the engine starts.
Remove the engine starting motor according to instructions given in TM 5-3810-295-12.
Refer to figure 3-2. Screws(1)and lock washers.