TM 5-3810-295-34
n. Remove thrust washer (70) from the armature assembly. Remove nuts (71), lockwasher (72), switch
connector (73), washer (74), insulated washer (75) and bushing (76) from the generator housing.
o. Side armature (79) from the field windings, taking care to avoid damaging the windings and insulation.
Remove pole shoe screws (77) with a pole shoe screwdriver. Remove pole shoes (78) using a spreader, and
remove field wing (80) being careful not to distort the winding frame.
p. Remove terminal stud (81), insulation (82) and coil insulation (83).
3-10. Inspection and Repair
a. Clean all parts, except the drive assembly (51) with dry cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-S-661, and
dry the parts with compressed air. Clean the drive unit with a clean cloth.
b. Clean the commutator with No. 00 sandpaper.
Do not clean the drive, armature or field coils in a degreasing tank or with grease dissolving solvents. These
would dissolve the lubricants and damage the insulation.
c. Replace all seals, gaskets and packings.
d. Check all housings for cracks or damage. Check all sealing surfaces for cracks, pitting or rough spots.
Replace any damaged parts.
e. Check the commutator end frame, and replace if it is cracked or distorted.
f. Check the armature bearing surfaces and replace the armature if these are worn. The commutator may be
turned on a lathe if it i out of round, worn, or has high insulation. After turning, undercut the insulation to 1/32-
inch wide and deep. Lightly sand the commutator with No. 00 sandpaper and remove all copper and
insulation dust with compressed air.
g. Check the commutator for opens, shorts and ground with a growler or test lamp.
h. Check the field coil with a test lamp and replace the windings if the tests indicate opens or shorts.
i. Replace brushes that are cracked or worn beyond half their original length. Check the solenoid springs and
Check drive assembly (51) for wear, or cracks, especially at the roots of the gear teeth.
3-11. Reassembly
a. Refer to figure 3-2. Install bushing (76) on terminal stud (81) and carefully install field winding (80) into the
generator housing. Install insulation (82) and (83) between the coil and frame.
b. Set pole shoes (78) in place and secure the shoes with pole shoe screws (77), using a pole shoe screwdriver.
c. Install insulated washer (75), washer (74), nuts (71), switch connector (73) and lock washer (72) on the
terminal stud.
d. Install oil seal (66) into hub of lever housing (59) and press sleeve bearings (65) and (46) into their
respective housings.
e. Install lever housing (59) on generator frame and secure with screws (57) and lock washers (58). Install
armature (79) into the field frame and lever housing.
Install spacing washer (55) and brake washer (56) on the armature shaft. Place lever (52) on drive assembly
(51) and install the assembly on the armature shaft and into the lever housing.
g. Insert lever shaft (50) trough the lever housing and lever, install packings (48) and (49), and secure the
lever with retaining ring (47).
h. Install packing (54) and gasket (53) and install drive housing (40) on lever housing (59). Secure the drive
housing with screws (38) and (39).
Insert plunger (37) through lever (52), and install spring retainer washer (33), plunger boot (32), spring
retainer (31), spring (30), spring retaining (29), clamp (34) and secure the assembly with retaining ring (28).
Install adjusting nut (27), plug gasket (26) and inspection plug (25).
Install solenoid (36) and secure with screw and lock washer (35).
k. Install brush springs (23) on plate (9) and secure the springs with washers (22), lock washers (21) and
screws (20). Install brushes (17) and secure with screws (16).
Install insulated washers (15) on the plate assembly studs and mount plate (19) on end bell (9). Secure plate
(19) with screw and lock washer (18).
m. Install thrust washer (70) on the end of the armature, and install end bell (9) on the frame. Secure
the end bell with screws (7) and lock washers (8).
n. Install electrical lead (24), and install washer (6), lock washers (5), and nuts (4) and (3).
o. Saturate oil wicks (42), (61), and felt plugs (14), (45), and (64) with oil and install the wicks and plugs in their
respective positions as shown. Secure the wicks and plugs with gaskets and plugs as shown. Install
inspection plug 68) and gasket 69).
p. Check the drive pinion clearance as outlined in the following:
(1) Disconnect the field coil connection from the solenoid. Connect a battery of the same voltage as the
solenoid, to the solenoid switch terminal and to the solenoid frame or ground terminal.
(2) Momentarily flash a jumper from the solenoid motor terminal to the solenoid frame or ground terminal.
This places the starter drive into cranking position.