TM 5-3810-295-34
top of the housing, and attach a chain hoist with a
suitable sling to prevent the housing from falling.
g Strike the front face of the housing alternately on
each side of e enne with a soft hammer to loosen
the housing. Remove flywheel housing (24) and gasket
Remove pipe plugs (26), (27), and (28). Press oil
seal (29) from the housing.
4-13. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
a Clean all metal parts with cleaning solvent,
Federal Specification P-D-680, or equivalent before
b. Replace all seals and gaskets.
c. Inspect the flywheel housing for cracks or any
other damage. Replace housing if it is damaged.
d Check flywheel face for signs of cracks, scoring or
e. Inspect flywheel ring gear for signs of cracks or
missing teeth.
4-14. Reassembly
a Refer to figure 4-9. Support the inner face of
flywheel housing (24) in an arbor press. Apply a non-
hardening sealant to the periphery of the metal casing.
Figure 4-10. Initial tightening sequence
of flywheel housing
b. Apply GAA grease to the lip of oil seal (29). Posi-
tion the seal in the flywheel housing bore with the lip of
the seal pointing toward the inner face of the housing.
c. Press the oil seal into the flywheel housing until
the seal is flush with the outside face of the housing.
Remove all excess sealant from the housing and seal.
d. Install plugs (26), (27) and (28). Lubricate gear
train teeth with clean engine oil.
e. Affix a new gasket (5) to the rear end plate. Ap-
ply a thin film of grease on shim (4) and affix the shim
to the rear end plate.
f Apply a thin coat of grease to the rear crankshaft
oil seal located in the flywheel housing. Install two
pilot studs in the mar end plate to guide the housing
into place without damaging the oil seal.
g. Using a suitable sling and chain hoist, install
flywheel housing (24) against the gasket and mar end
h Install the flywheel mounting screws (18), (19),
(20), (21) and (22) and washers (23). Finger tighten the
i Refer to figure 4-10 and draw the mounting
screws up snug in the sequence shown.
j. Refer to figure 4-11 for the final screw tightening
sequence and tighten follows:
Tighten the 'Im6-inch screws (numbers 11 and 12) to
19--23 ft-lb (2--1 N e m). Tighten the /8-inch screws
(numbers 7 through 10) to 4045 ft-lb (5461 N . m).
Figure 4-11. Final tightening sequence of flywheel housing
Tighten the remaining -inch screws to 25-30 ft-lb
(34--41 N- m).