TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
b. Place spacer J 7091-3 over the guide. Then
slide the guide remover J 7n91-5 over the guide
and align the set screws with the notches in the
guide. Tighten the set screws to hold the tool
c. Place spacer J 7091-4 over the guide remover.
Thread the nut on the guide remover and turn it
clockwise to withdraw the guide from the
cylinder head.
To remove a broken valve bridge guide, drill a hole
approximately 1/2" deep in the end of the guide with a
No. 3 (.2130") drill. Then, tap the guide with a 1/4"-28
bottoming tap. Thread remover J 7453 into the guide
and attach slide hammer J 2,619 to the remover tool.
One or two sharp blows with the puller weight will remove
Fig. 12 - Removing Valve Seat Insert
Install the former threaded valve bridge guide with a thin
wall socket J 6846. Lubricate the threads and nylon
3. Hold the collet handle and turn the T handle to
insert before installing the guide. Tighten the guide to
expand the collet cone until the insert is held securely by
the tool.
Install the press-fit bridge guide as follows:
4. Insert the drive bar of the tool through the valve
guide, and tap the drive bar once or twice to move the
Start the guide (undercut end first) straight into the
insert about 1/16".
cylinder head.
Place the installer J 7482 over the guide and drive it
5. Turn the T handle to loosen the collet cone and
into place. The installer will properly position the
move the tool into the insert slightly so the narrow flange
guide to the correct height in the cylinder head.
at the bottom of the collet is below the valve seat insert.
Inspect Exhaust Valve Seat Insert
6. Tighten the collet cone and continue to drive the
insert out of the cylinder head.
Inspect the valve seat inserts for excessive wear, pitting,
cracking or an improper seat angle. The proper angle
for the seating face of both the valve and insert is 30%.
Great care must be used during the installation of a valve
seat insert since this part is a press fit in the cylinder
The valve seat inserts are pressed into the cylinder head
head. Install the insert in the following manner:
and, therefore, must be removed as outlined in the
following procedure to avoid damage to the cylinder
1. Wash the cylinder head with fuel oil and dry it with
compressed air.
1. Place the cylinder head on its side as shown in Fig.
2. Clean the valve insert counterbore in the cylinder
2. Place the collet of J 6567 inside the valve seat
head with trichloroethylene or other good solvent. Also,
insert so the bottom of the collet is flush with the
wash the valve seat insert with the same solvent. Dry
bottom of the insert.
both the counterbore and the insert with compressed air.
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