TM 5-3810-300-24& P-3
NOTE: Performing Steps 4, 5, 6 and 7
will result in placing the governor linkage
and control tube assembly in the same
positions they will attain while the engine
is running at full load. These positions
are: a.
Speed control lever in the
maximum speed position.
b Governor low speed gap closed.
c High speed spring plunger on the seat in the
governor control housing.
d Injector racks in the full-fuel position.
Remove the clevis pin between the fuel rod and the
injector control tube lever.
Fig. 6 Adjusting Maximum No-Load Speed
Manually hold the No 1 injector in the full fuel
position Do not hold the end of the control tube.
Adjust Maximum No-Load Engine Speed
Hold the No. 1 injector lever, and turn down the
All governors are properly adjusted before leaving the
inner adjusting screw of the No. 2 injector until the
However, if the governor has been
injector rack of the No. 2 injector has moved into
reconditioned or replaced, and to ensure the engine
the full-fuel position and the inner adjusting screw is
speed will not exceed the recommended no-load speed
bottomed on the injector control tube. Turn the
as given on the option plate, the maximum no-load
outer adjusting screw down until it bottoms lightly on
speed may be set as follows: 1. Loosen the lock nut
the injector control tube. Then, alternately tighten
(Fig. 6) and back off the high speed spring retainer
both the inner and outer adjusting screws.
approximately five turns.
NOTE: Overtightening of the injector
With the engine at operating temperature and no-
rack control tube lever adjusting screws
load on the engine, place the speed control lever in
during installation or adjustment can
the full-fuel position Turn the high speed spring
result in damage to the injector control
retainer IN until the engine is operating at the
tube. The recommended torque of the
recommended no-load speed.
adjusting screws is 2436 in-lbs.
Hold the high speed spring retainer and tighten the
Recheck the No 1 injector fuel rack to be sure that it
lock nut.
has remained snug on the pin of the rack control
lever while adjusting the N 2 injector. become
Adjust Idle Speed
loose, back off slightly on the inner adjusting screw
on the No. 2 injector rack control lever. Tighten the
With the maximum no-load speed properly adjusted,
outer adjusting screw.
adjust the idle speed as follows:
When the settings are correct, the racks o: both
Remove the spring housing to uncover the idle
injectors must be snug on the pins of their
speed adjusting screw.
respective rack control levers.
With the engine at normal operating temperature
Position the remaining control rack levers as
and with the buffer screw (Fig 7) backed out to
outlined in Steps 9 and 10.
avoid contact with the differential lever, turn the idle
speed adjusting screw until the engine is operating
Insert the clevis pin between the fuel rod and the
at approximately 15 rpm below the recommended
idle speed.
Reset the idle speed adjusting screw until i projects
3/8" beyond the lock nut Tighten the lock nut.
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