P l a y - W e i g h t Resting on Housing
4. Secure the retainer with eight 3/8-16
3. Install the output shaft so that the
front roller bearing engages with its out-
Tighten the bolts to 26 to 32 pound feet
er race.
4. Install the bearing retainer housing
gasket, making sure that any oil drain
SHAFT. Check output shaft end play as
holes in the bearing housing align with
the holes in the converter housing.
1. To check the end play in the output
5. Secure the bearing retainer housing
shaft, position the converter, rear end
with six 1/2-13 x 1-7/8 inch bolts and
up, on the assembly table. Support the
lock washers. Tighten the bolts to 67 to
converter by the converter housing
80 pound feet (91-108 Nm) torque.
only. Make sure the shaft does not
touch the table.
6. If the outer race of the rear roller
bearing was removed, install it, thin
2. Attach a dial indicator to the convert-
edge down, in the bearing retainer hous-
er housing so that the indicator touches
t h e rear end of the oil seal sleeve on the
stall the bearing retainer, proceed as fol-
3. Install an eyebolt in the rear end of
the output shaft. Using a hoist, raise
the converter high enough to be sure
1. Install the bearing retainer on the
that all the weight of the converter is on
output shaft and seat it against the rear
the output shaft (see Figure 4C-37 on
bearing by tapping it lightly with a soft
hammer (see Figure 4C-17 on page
4. The indicator reading is the end play
of the output shaft. The end play must
2. Using a feeler gauge inserted between
be at least 0.004 inch (0.1016 mm) but
bearing retainer and bearing retainer
not over 0.006 inch (0.1524 mm).
housing, measure the space between
those two parts.
5. If the end play is less than 0.004 inch
(0.1016 mm), remove the bearing retain-
3. Add 0.006 inch (0.1524 mm) to the
er and add a sufficient amount of shims
measurement obtained above. This is the
to the shim pack to bring the end play
calculated shim thickness. Make up a
within the required limits. If end play
shim pack and install it between the re-
exceeds 0.006 inch (0.1525 mm), remove
tainer and housing.
sufficient amounts of shims from the shim