5. Swing the cylinder to either of the side frame brackets
and install the pin.
Access to the spool and swivel body can be gained
from below the carbody.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the other cylinder.
7. Check the hydraulic reservoir level and add oil to bring it
3. Tag and disconnect all the hydraulic lanes attached to the
to the proper level in the glass.
swivel body.
4. Using a suitable lacking arrangement support the swivel
spool from below. Remove the two attaching capscrews,
SWIVEL (45Z453)
lockwashers, and nuts securing the swivel support to the
DESCRIPTION. Thus swivel is the means by which hydrau-
lic oil is delivered from the upper of the machine to the
lower. With the swivel it is possible to rotate the upper a full
5. Swing the pivot bracket 90 degrees and slowly lower the
360 degrees without interfering with pipe or hose connec-
swivel out of the carbody. Set the swivel aside for disas-
The swivel consists of a swivel body which engages with
DISASSEMBLY. Disassemble the swivel as follows (See
the pivot bracket on the bottom of the revolving frame and a
spool which is fixed to the carbody. All of the hydraulic lines
from the upper, required for the propel circuits, are con-
1. Remove the capscrews securing the retainer to the
nected to the swivel body. The ports of the swivel body are
spool. Remove the retainer and O-ring.
connected to the corresponding parts of the spool. Hydrau-
2. Slide the spool out of the swivel body. Remove the bear-
lic lines connected to the bottom of the spool direct oil to the
ings, slipper seals, and O-rings from the spool. Discard the
propel motors and brakes.
seals and O-rings.
REMOVAL. If leakage between the swivel body and the
spool is detected, the swivel must be removed from the ma-
INSPECTION AND REPAIR. After the swivel has been dis-
chine for repair. To remove the swivel for seal replacement
assembled, proceed as follows:
1. Thoroughly wash the swivel body and spool with a
suitable cleaning solvent or diesel fuel.
2. Inspect all parts for wear or damage. Carefully inspect
the swivel body and spool for excessive scoring or deep
scratches. Replace worn or damaged parts.
Excessive scoring or deep scratches are usually
caused by foreign material in the hydraulic system. If
these defects are found, the hydraulic system should
be checked for foreign material.
ASSEMBLY. To assemble the swivel, proceed as follows
1. Generously lubricate the swivel body, spool, and all O-
rings and seals with clean hydraulic oil.
2. Install the lower O-ring and bearing.
3. Starting at one end of the spool carefully install the O-
ring in the first groove in the swivel stem. Carefully install
the slipper seal over the O-ring. Knead the slipper seal by
hand to squeeze it into the O-ring groove.
4. Repeat step 3-above until a new O-ring and slipper seal
have been installed in each O-ring groove of the spool.
5. Place the swivel body in a vertical position with the
1. Swing the upper so that the attachment is over the front
bottom of the body facing up. Insert the top of the spool into
of the lower, lower the boom, set the swing brake, and stop
the bore of the swivel body, and while the spool is being
the engine. Disconnect the battery ground cable.
lowered into the body compress the slaiper seals by hand as
they enter the body.
2. Tag and disconnect all the hydraulic lanes attached to the
6. When the spool is installed, install the upper bearing. In-
spool. The spool is numbered to correspond with numbers
stall the upper O-ring on the retainer and set the retainer on
stamped on the swivel body. Cap the lines to prevent the
the spool. Fasten the retainer with the capscrews.