5. Set cylinder up to link and mounting bracket. Install pins
2. Tag the hydraulic lines at the cylinder. Remove the lines
and cotter pins.
and plug them to prevent the entry of dirt.
6. Install and tighten hydraulic lines.
3. At each end of the cylinder, remove the cotter pin and pin
from the clevis and mounting bracket.
7. Operate cylinder to make sure it is operating correctly.
4 . Remove the cylinder. If the cylinder is to be replaced by a
8. With the stop block fully engaged in the slewing ring
new one, note the positioning of the clevis threaded on the
gear, pins "A", "B" and "C" are to be inline. Adjust using
cylinder rod. Loosen jam nut and remove clevis and jam nut.
jam nut and adjusting capscrew. Tighten jam nut after
Transfer clevis and jam nut to new cylinder. Install clevis as
noted on old cylinder. Tighten jam nut.