verter is engaged. However, the operator must engage
either the left or right swing clutch to swing the upper.
This section describes the components required to trans-
When a swing clutch is engaged a horizontal swing shaft
mit swing torque from the horizontal swing shafts to the
bevel gear transmits torque to the vertical swing shaft. The
swing gear.
pinion on the vertical swing shaft meshes with the swing
gear, which rotates the upper.
The swing system consists of the horizontal swing shafts,
The swing brake is a hydraulically released-spring set de-
swing clutches, intermediate swing shaft, vertical swing
vice. When the control switch is in the OFF position, hy-
draulic pressure causes the cylinder to release the brake.
The upper is now free to swing. When the control switch is
in the ON position, hydraulic pressure is diverted back to
tank and the springs set the brake.
The swing system is powered by the upper engine through
A 360 swing lock is provided to secure the upper in any
the chain driven horizontal swing shafts. The horizontal
position in relation to the lower. The stop block engages the
swing shaft sprocket hubs and clutch housings turn con-
tinuously while the engine is running and the torque con-
slewing ring bull gear and is hydraulically actuated.
Figure 6A-1. Swing System