Install Cylinder Head
water and oil seal rings and compression
g a s k e t s as follows:
Never install used compression
g a s k e t s or seals.
A. Place a new compression gasket on
top of each cylinder liner. A new cyl-
inder liner compression gasket with
improved sealing capabilities is now
compression gasket is also color coded
black, orange or white. The service
gasket kits will only include a single
color (black or orange). Only one co-
lor compression gaskets (seal) can be
used under a single cylinder head to
provide proper clamping.
Mounting in Cylinder Block
wipe off any that gets on the fire
deck or liner bores.
The new cylinder liner compression
gasket is not interchangeable on
3 ) A l l o w the adhesive to dry to a high
an engine under the same cylinder
tack consistency (stickness) be-
head with the former compression
fore installing the seal. This per-
gasket. Mixing of the former gas-
ket with the new gasket could re-
propellant used with the adhesive.
sult in uneven loading.
Do not apply adhesive directly to
the seal. The adhesive will coat
the inner diameter of the seal and
B. Place new seal rings in the counter-
the spray propellant may cause the
b o r e s of the water and oil holes in the
seal to swell temporarily.
water hole seals can be damaged if
C. Install a new oil seal in the groove at
they move out of position in the cyl-
the perimeter of the cylinder block.
inder block counterbore during
The seal must lay flat in the groove
engine rebuild.
In turn, damaged
and must not be twisted or stretched
seals can allow engine coolant to con-
when installed. Installing the seal
taminate lube oil and cause serious
strip in the groove with the colored
engine damage. To prevent this, a
strip facing away from the cylinder
spray adhesive may be used to hold
b o r e s can improve its sealing capabili-
seals in place if the following prec-
autions are taken:
1) Attach a mask or template to the
cylinder block fire deck to mini-
3M Company Super Tack Gasket
mize overspray.
adhesive 8082 or equivalent may
also be used to hold the peripheral
2) Using a high tack, spray tube ad-
head-to-block oil seals in place
hesive suitable for synthetic rub-
during engine rebuild.
ber seals (3M Company Super-Tack
Gasket Adhesive 8082, or equiv-
alent), spray a light, uniform coat-
2. To
install the cylinder head on the
without disturbing the gasket and
counterbores. Keep the adhesive
install guide studs J 9665 in two
off of adjacent block surfaces and
bolt holes in the cylinder block.
Engine (Less Major Assemblies)