down snug tight with a speed wrench
(15-20 lb-ft or 20-27 Nm torque). How-
The cylinder heads have piloting
ever, before tightening the lifter
sleeves installed in the corner bolt
nuts), loosen the lifter
holes on the camshaft side of the
bracket-to-cylinder head attaching bolts,
head. The sleeves provide more
otherwise the head may be prevented
accurate alignment of the cylinder
from seating properly on the cylinder
block. A similar condition could exist if
head with the block bores. Do not
the exhaust manifold is attached to the
install the guide studs in the bolt
cylinder head. Clearance must be as-
sured between the exhaust manifold and
s l e e v e s in the head.
bosses on the cylinder block.
8. Tighten the bolts (or nuts) to 175-185
3. Insert the
hooks of a chain, attached
lb-ft (238-251 Nm) torque in 50 lb-ft (68
to a hoist, in
the vent holes of the cylin-
Nm) increments with a torque wrench, in
der head, or
the lifter brackets, and lift
the head into
position above the cylinder
page 11B-25. Repeat the tightening se-
quence at least once, because the first
bolts tightened in the sequence tend to
4. Make a final visual check of the com-
lose significant clamp load during tight-
pression gaskets and seals to ensure that
ening o f t h e r e m a i n i n g b o l t s . A p p l y a
t h e y a r e i n p l a c e before the cylinder
steady pressure for two or three seconds
head is lowered. This is a very impor-
at the prescribed torque to allow the
tant check. Gasket and seals which are
bolts to turn while the gaskets yield to
not seated properly will cause leaks and
their final designed thickness. Begin on
"blow-by" and result in poor engine per-
the cam follower side of the head to take
formance and damage to the engine.
up tension in the push rod springs.
Tighten the bolts to the high side of the
5. Wipe the bottom of the cylinder head
torque specification, but do not exceed
clean. Then lower the head until it is
the limit or the bolts may stretch beyond
about 1/2" from the surface of the cylin-
their elastic limits. Attempting to tight-
der block.
en the bolts in one step may result in
trouble and consequent loss of time in
6. Apply a small amount of International
diagnosis and correction of difficulties,
Compound No. 2, or equivalent, to the
such as compression leaks, when the en-
threads and underside of the head of all
gine is put into operation.
cylinder head attaching bolts (to stud
threads and head contact surface of stud
through each piloting sleeve at the cor-
Tightening the cylinder head bolts
ners of the head and thread them finger
will not correct a leaking com-
tight into the cylinder block. Continue
pression gasket or seal. The head
to tighten these bolts (finger tight) as
must be removed and the damaged
the head is lowered into position on the
gasket or seal replaced.
cylinder block. Either one or two types
of stud nuts are used. Both faces of one
nut are square with the threads.
9. Tighten the two flywheel housing at-
other type nut has a shoulder on one
taching bolts directly below the rear lift-
The shoulder side must contact
er bracket. Install a new gasket and
the cylinder head.
secure the rear engine lifter bracket to
the cylinder head and the flywheel hous-
Tighten the bolts to 55-60 lb-ft
(75-81 Nm) torque (see Figure 11B-37 on
Cylinder head bolts are especially
designed for this purpose and
must not be replaced by ordinary
10. Affix a new gasket to the front lifter
bracket (or vent casting) and attach the
bracket to the cylinder head and the bal-
ance weight cover. Tighten the bolts in
7. After the head is in place, remove the
the same sequence and to the same tor-
guide studs and chain hoist and install
que as on the rear lifter bracket bolts.
the remaining bolts, running all bolts