Due to Wear
ring gauge J
5580-1. Also check the lin-
a n d o u t - o f - r o u n d . It is not
er for taper
necessary to
measure the inside diameter
or taper of a
new liner.
Dial bore gauge master ring fix-
t u r e J 23059-01 may be used in
place of the master ring gauge.
Figure 116-134. Cylinder Liner
Measurement Diagram
The piston liner clearance must be within
specified limits. Also, the taper must
the table.
not exceed 0.002" and the out-of-round
must not exceed 0.0025" on a used liner.
Although the block bores and liners
If the out-of-round exceeds 0.0025", ro-
should be measured to determine the lin-
tate the liner 90 in the block bore and
er-to-bore clearance, the selection of a
liner is narrowed down to only those in
the appropriate classification or possibly
Cylinder liners are available in 0.001",
a 0.001" oversize liner.
0.005", 0.010", 0.020" and 0.030" over-
When an
size on the outside diameter.
Before installing a liner in a used cylin-
oversize l i n e r i s installed,
stamp the
der block always lightly hone the block
amount of oversize on top of the cylinder
bore adjacent to the liner counterbore.
After honing the block bore, check the
bore measurements to determine if a
S e l e c t i o n of New Cylinder Liner
standard line or possibly a 0.001" over-
size liner can be used (refer to the fol-
The cylinder bores in a new cylinder
A push fit between the
lowing tables).
block are classified as No. 1, 2 or 3 des-
If an
liner and the block is desirable.
ignating the specific size range for each
adequate push fit cannot be obtained, it
bore and the appropriate cylinder liner
may be necessary to bore the block to
that may be fitted to each bore.
receive an oversize liner.
classification number is stamped on the
fire deck of the cylinder block adjacent
When it becomes necessary to install an
to each cylinder bore.
oversize liner, the same care in selective
tolerance fitting must be adhered to.
A new standard size cylinder liner is also
However, it may be more difficult to se-
classified as No. 1, 2 or 3 as illustrated
lect an oversize liner since the size