Figure 11B-141. F r o n t B a l a n c e W e i g h t
2. Place a block of wood between the bal-
ance weights to prevent rotation (see
W e i g h t Assemblies
damaged or the bushing is worn, it will
3. Loosen the balance weight retaining
b e necessary to install a pair of new bal-
nut on the camshaft and balance shaft
ance weights.
with a 1-1/2" socket wrench and remove
the nuts and internal tooth lock washers.
The clearance between a balance weight
bushing and the balance weight hub is
4. Force the balance weight off the end
from 0.0005" to 0.0035" with new parts
of each shaft with two heavy screwdriv-
and 0.006" with used parts. The clear-
ers or pry bars between the heads of the
ance between the weight and the hub
bearing retaining bolt and the balance
should be from 0.010" to 0.023".
I n s t a l l Front Balance Weights
at the front end of the camshaft and the
Clean all of the parts thoroughly with
balance shaft.
fuel oil and dry them with compressed
the keyway in the balance
2. Align
weight hub with the key in the shaft and
If the thrust surface (side facing the
s l i d e the balance weight on the camshaft.
camshaft) of the balance weight hub is
3. Install the balance weight on the bal-
ance shaft in the same manner.
4. Slip an internal tooth lock washer
Start the
over the end of each shaft.
nuts on both shafts.
5. Place a block of wood between the bal-
and tighten the retaining nuts to 300-325
6. Install the balance weight cover, us-
i n g a new gasket.
Camshaft or Balance Shaft