B. Install spring end seats (101) and
wear from the spring packs on the coupl-
place spring seat (70) in each corner
ing, thereby prolonging the life of the
of the drive coupling support.
Shorter springs are required
for use with the spring seats. When a
C. Apply engine oil to the drive coupling
spring replacement is necessary, the new
springs (there are 21 leaves in each
springs and spring seats, available in a
spring pack) and insert them in the
kit, must be installed.
coupling support.
If the
Examine the blower drive gear.
D. Place blower drive cam (68) on the
teeth are excessively worn, scored or
installer J 1471, insert the round end
pitted, the gear must be replaced.
of the tool between spring pack (69)
and press the cam into position (see
A s s e m b l e Blower Drive Gear and Sup-
8. Place the coupling support against the
drive gear with the blower drive shaft
The relative location of the parts is
ring groove in the cam facing away from
the drive gear. Then, place drive coupl-
ing retainer (71) against the coupling
support with the flared edge away from
1. Secure blower drive gear support (61)
the support.
Revolve the coupling as-
in a vise with soft jaws.
sembly on the hub flange until the cam
lobes are in line with the oil grooves in
2. Press drive gear hub (54) into drive
the gear hub to ensure proper lubri-
gear (53).
(see Figure 11B-175 on page
3. Lubricate the drive gear hub, bear-
ings in the support, thrust surfaces and
9. Install the drive coupling bolts.
blower drive thrust washer with engine
I n s t a l l Blower Drive Gear and Support
4. Place thrust washer (102) on the pro-
truding bearing in the gear side of the
support and insert the blower drive gear
on page 11B-113) between the drive sup-
hub and gear assembly.
port and gear hub thrust washer before
installing the blower drive gear support
5. Locate lock ball (55) in its place on
assembly. The clearance must be 0.006"
the drive gear hub and slide hub thrust
t o 0.014".
washer (56) into position over the lock
The thrust washer must be in-
stalled with the tapered face toward the
threads on the hub.
6. Install a new lock washer (58) and
finger tighten nut (57) on the hub. In-
stall two bolts into the threaded holes in
Place a suitable
the drive gear hub.
holding bar across the bolts to keep the
hub from rotating and tighten the hub
n u t t o 5 0 - 6 0 l b - f t t o r q u e . B e n d the ears
of the lock washer against the nut to
Remove the two
lock the nut in place.
7. Assemble the blower drive coupling as
A. Place drive coupling support (67) on
Drive Cam