Assemble Fuel Pump
Figure 11C-51 on page 11C-29 and
1. Lubricate the lips of the oil seals with
a light coat of vegetable shortening,
then install the oil seals in the pump
body as follows:
A. Place the inner oil seal on the pilot of
the installer handle J 1508-8 so that
the lip of the seal will face in the
same direction as the original seal
Figure 11C-54. Removing Oil Seals
which was removed.
The mating faces of the pump body and
B. With the pump body supported on
cover must be flat and smooth and fit
wood blocks (Figure 11C-56 on page
tightly together. Any scratches or
11C-32), insert the pilot of the instal-
slight damage may result in pressure
ler handle in the pump body so the
leaks. Also check for wear at areas con-
seal s t a r t s s t r a i g h t i n t o t h e p u m p
tacted by the gears and shafts. Replace
flange. Then drive the seal in until
the pump cover or body if necessary.
it bottoms.
C. Place the shorter end of the adaptor J
marks and burrs and fit its seat in the
1508-9 over the pilot and against the
pump body. If the valve is scored and
shoulder of the installer handle.
cannot be cleaned up with fine emery
Place the outer oil seal on the pilot of
the installer handle with the lip of the
Fuel System and Governor