3. Hold the engine at any constant
hold-down clamp being too tight or im-
s p e e d , between idle and maximum, as de-
properly positioned. To correct this
sired by the operator.
condition, loosen the injector clamp, re-
position it and tighten the clamp bolts to
The single weight governor is mounted
20-25 lb-ft (27-34 Nm) torque.
2. An injector which is not functioning
driven by the upper blower rotor.
properly may have a defective plunger
and bushing or a bent injector rack.
The governor consists of four subassem-
Recondition a faulty injector as outlined
under "Fuel Injector" on page 11C-1.
1. Control Housing Cover.
3. An injector rack may bind as the re-
sult of an improperly position rack con-
2. Control Housing.
trol lever. Loosen the rack control lever
adjusting screws. if this relieves the
bind, relocate the lever on the control
3. Weight and Housing.
tube and position the rack as outlined in
S u b s e c t i o n 11H.
4. Variable Speed Spring Housing and
4. The injector control tube may bind in
its support brackets, thus preventing
free movement of the injector racks to
their no-fuel position due to tension of
the return spring. This condition may
be corrected by loosening and realigning
Two manual controls are provided on the
the control tube supporting brackets. If
variable speed governor: a stop lever
the control tube support brackets were
(Figure 11C-60 on page 11C-36) for
loosened, realigned and tighten, the in-
starting and stopping, and a speed con-
jector r a c k s m u s t b e r e p o s i t i o n e d a s
trol lever. For starting, the stop lever
outlined in Subsection 11H.
is moved to the RUN position, which
holds the injector control racks near the
full-fuel position. Upon starting, the
5. A bent injector control tube return
governor moves the injector racks toward
tion of the injector control tube.
the idle speed position. The engine
If the
spring has been bent or otherwise dis-
speed i s t h e n c o n t r o l l e d m a n u a l l y b y
torted, install a new spring.
moving the speed control lever.
6. Check for bind at the pin which con-
The centrifugal force of the revolving
nects the fuel rod to the injector control
governor weights is converted into linear
motion, which is transmitted through the
riser and operating shaft to the operat-
ing shaft lever. One end of the operat-
If, after making these checks, the gov-
ing lever bears against the variable
speed spring plunger, while the other
end provides a changing fulcrum on
properly, remove and recondition the
which the differential lever pivots.
The centrifugal force of the governor
weights is opposed by the variable speed
spring. Load changes or movement of
the speed control lever momentarily cre-
ates an unbalanced force between the re-
volving governor weights and tension on
When the
the variable speed spring.
forces reach a balance condition again,
The variable speed mechanical governor
the engine speed will be stabilized for
the new speed setting or new load.
(Figure 11C-60 on page 11C-36) per-
forms three functions:
A fuel rod connected to the differential
lever and injector control tube lever
1. Controls the engine idle speed.
provides a means for the governor to
2. Limits the maximum no-load speed.
Fuel System and Governor