tube is attached between the oil gallery
in the cylinder block and the governor
weight housing.
Remove Governor
Governor operation should be checked as
outlined under "Check Governor Opera-
is removed from the engine. If, after
performing these checks, the governor
fails to control the engine properly, it
should be removed and reconditioned.
1. Refer to Figure 11C-61 on page
11C-36 and disconnect the throttle con-
trol rod and booster spring from the
speed control lever.
2. Remove the breather tube.
3. Remove the four cover screws and lift
the governor cover, with the stop lever
and retraction spring and cover gasket
from the governor housing.
11C-36 and Figure 11C-61 on page
Figure 11C-62. Governor Cover
11C-36 and disconnect the fuel rod from
the differential lever and injector control
tube lever.
B. R e m o v e t h e c o n t r o l s h a f t l o c k r i n g
and seal retainer. Withdraw the con-
5. Disconnect the oil tube at the gover-
trol shaft from the cover.
nor weight housing, or cover, if used.
C. Remove the seal ring from the gover-
6. Remove the two governor-to-cylinder
nor cover.
head bolts.
D. W a s h t h e c o v e r a s s e m b l y ( t h e c o v e r
7. Remove the control housing from the
assembly contains a bushing which is
cylinder head and weight housing,
not serviced. When replacement is
8. Use wrench J 4242 and remove the six
oughly in clean fuel oil and inspect
governor weight housing-to-blower
bolts, then withdraw the housing from
wear or damage.
the blower.
E. I f n e e d l e b e a r i n g o r b u s h i n g r e m o v a l
is necessary, place the inner face of
the cover over the opening in the bed
D i s a s s e m b l e Governor
of an arbor press (see Figure 11C-63
With the cover removed from the control
on page 11C-38). Place remover J
housing, disassemble the governor as fol-
21967-01 on top of the bearing or
bushing and press both bearings or
bushings out of the cover.
1. Disassemble the governor cover
(Figure 11C-62).
2. D i s a s s e m b l e t h e g o v e r n o r c o n t r o l
A. Loosen the clamping bolt and remove
the stop lever from the shaft. Re-
A. Place the control housing in the soft
move the lever torsion retraction
jaws of a vise (see Figure 11C-64 or
Fuel System and Governor